Blight refers to a specific symptom affecting plants in response to infection by a pathogenic organism.
In movie interstellar, this was mentioned as crop epidemic. One by one, each crop was failing in future.
What is solution for this?
Being a farmer, I know the answer for it.
There is no pathogenic (Able to cause disease) organism on Earth. Each one of us doing our job. Some of these bacteria are given clean up job. When Mother Nature sees no sign of life, she arranges bacterias to do clean up job.
Since advent of last century, world has adopted monoculture farming (and nuclear family living) with heavy use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. This has lead to depletion of vital elements in the soil. Crops suck whatsoever available nutrients but they are not sufficient to survive on them. Hence, from birth, plants are living almost dead life. And so blight the rapid decaying process. Premature decay.
Solution is multi-crop gau based farming. Her dung and urine has all 128 necessary elements (In picture, you see 33 elemental devata(s) shown in her body). Along with it, they are full of Prana shakti ( This is beyong modern science to understand 🙂). But for her to provide us such precious wealth, we need forests for her to graze.
When plants are full of prana and nutrients, there will be no trace of blight.
A common sense solution without mambo jumbo of Popular science 😉
Afforestation + Protection of Bos Indicus + diversity or polucrops -> Solution for world food crisis