Intellectual Gymnastics : Useless Gymnastics



It is better not to translate some words.

For example, translation of Sanskrit word ‘कवि’ as ‘Poet’ and ‘काव्य’ as ‘Poem’ is utterly limited, short-sighted literal translation, destroying very essence of words. Poor literal translations of Sanskrit काव्य(s) leads to nowhere, increasing cognitive dissonance for poor tunneled intellect. Such non-productive, useless translations are nothing by energy-wasting intellectual gymnastics, displaying balance and agility of intellect but serving no greater purpose. Intellect for pastime is poorest usage of the same.

The spiritual preceptors of India have always underlined the importance of a direct experience of transcendental reality and have accepted it not only as the basic source but also the very substratum of all mundane reality.The Vedic poet is a ऋषि who perceives and directly experiences such a transcendental reality through his inner vision, a vision that transcends both time and space, with the result that he is capable of visualizing the mysteries of the gods and the universe and reveals them to us. His speech is revelation, revelation of the highest spiritual truth.

So when you apply your tunneled vision and translate Vedic poet or ऋषि’s vision by your limited linguistic skills, without experiencing same vision by self, you fall, miserably and tangle yourself in web of words for complex and confused state of living.

In online world, it has become fashion to do catwalk of intellect by such poor pastime translations for mere self-satisfaction, serving no greater purpose. Better to staty away from such pastimes, for larger spiritual interest of mankind.

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