My Ideal Temple : Temple is not mere prayer place!


Education, Temple


Do you know why Japan is more admirable Asian country than anyone else?

They never neglected their roots and yet walked on the path of innovation.

On the other hand, we only learned to mimic the west.

This is what I envision as a temple (Read my 2-3 days posts on temple)

You do all you want to do for the good of the society but always keep temple in the center. It is the magical force to keep the noble task going

Read more here how Japan’s innovation stems out from temples! [1]


विद्यालय मंदिर नहीं,मंदिर विद्यालयके लिए है|
गौशाला मंदिर नहीं,मंदिर गौशालाके लिए है|
चिकित्सालय मंदिर नहीं,मंदिर चिकित्सालयके लिए है|

मंदिर was/should be social-economic foundation for any lofty selfless सर्वजन हिताय community work.
Without मंदिर as foundation, no social-economical activity will sustain for long term. Yes, you may see some short-term spikes.(NGOs – not their fault that they don’t know about this concept) But not like 100+ years of traditions as we used to have for many known and unknown temples.

Think about it. Why so?

Temple2 Temple

Your genes (in turn your environment) suggest you food preference.[2]

Genes also suggest which deity/God you should worship.
Your personal deity, इष्ट देवता, कुल देवता,कुल देवी, ग्राम देवता!

The one with whom your mind can connect effortlessly and get nourished by their blessings! The way food bless us if we follow the suggested local food by region and season.

**One God for all is an insult to genetic and environment diversity.**

Similarly, ‘All Gods are same’ is also not perfect sentence. Yes, the common sameness of consciousness does pass through all of us but that does not mean this fabric has different colors at different places!

[1] Robotics classes in temples: Tradition and innovation in Japan

Robotics classes in temples: Tradition and innovation in Japan

[2] Genetic and environmental influences on food preferences in adolescence

Conclusions: Food preferences had a moderate genetic basis in late adolescence, in keeping with findings in children. However, by this older age, the influence of the shared family environment had disappeared, and only aspects of the environment unique to each individual twin influenced food preferences. This finding suggests that shared environmental experiences that influence food preferences in childhood may not have effects that persist into adulthood.


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