Host Factors decides Viral Communities


Viral Diseases, Viral infection, Virus, Virus Fear

Understand the viruses. Don’t surrender to fear-mongering!

As per university of Zurich, host conditions (generic diversity) decides viral communities on plants. Plants need diversity to avoid viral infections.

Do you know why modern agriculture is agriculture of sick plants? Why do we see more and more viral infections? It is due to idea of maximizing crop yield by monocropping! Such an idiotic practice !

Plants can be infected by multiple viruses at once. However, the composition of the pathogen community varies, even if individuals belong to the same species and the same population. Ecologists at the University of Zurich have now shown that these differences are primarily due to genetic variation among the hosts. The loss of genetic diversity could thus render species more vulnerable to infections and extinction.

Same thing is happening with humans. We are being artificially generalized by urban life style. No wonder most pandemics are centered around economic centers of the world with such synthetic unification of humans as robots.

Why are some individuals more susceptible to viruses, while others remain unharmed?

First – it is about host conditions!
Second – it is about the environment!

When we fail to take care of one or both, we succumb to sicknesses.…/2020/Virus-Communities.html

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