Teen age is when there is maximum focus needed. Concentration is not just expected but much needed to catch with all the life-skills learning. This is the age when kids are on high saturated fat based junk diet. And this now not limited to urban pockets. Now, villages also eat the same processed food! Poors or rich, no difference.
Then there are adults worrying about health! They do morning yoga but spend evening in parties 😉 Nothing but rapid aging of body and mind. Memory loss. Reduced productivity.
Fatty food may feel like a friend during these troubled times, but new research suggests that eating just one meal high in saturated fat can hinder our ability to concentrate – not great news for people whose diets have gone south while they’re working at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
So if your job requires focus and attention, don’t rely on junk food. That is the key for being high performing individual.