When I talk about using desi gau mata’s prasad i.e. ghee as nasal drops to cure certain mental disorders, vision disorders , memory disorders, many educated friends laugh it off!
This paper is for them. Ghee is Prana powerhouse. Churned, Digested, Compressed, condensed and powerful life current, full of intelligence and codified to cure!
It can cure magically provided correct method is followed to prepare it!
Read it. Re-share. In modern medicine, method is right but substance is wrong!
When you use warm ghee for nasal drops, it carries Fire and Vayu elements topped up. Accelerates transport and chances of passing blood-brain barrier (Not easy to crack. Modern pharma is just now exploring this pathway).
Take a bowl of water and boil it. Put small bowl of ghee (Only quantity that is planned for immediate usage) in it for sometime. Never warm ghee twice. Warm it only once so use limited quantity.
Nasal spray device for mental illness

Medicine through the nose : Low doses work best
“The results show that intranasal administration, i.e. introducing oxytocin through the nose, affects the function of the brain.
As no effect was observed after intravenous treatment, this indicates that intranasally administered oxytocin travels directly to the brain, as we have long believed.
The fact that we have shown the efficacy of a low dose of oxytocin on social perception is even more important.
A dose that is lower, but that still influences behaviour, will entail a lower risk of affecting other regulatory systems in the body. Very high doses of oxytocin could, in fact, have the opposite effect on social behaviour.”
The scientists also discovered that individuals with larger nasal cavities had a stronger response to a low dose of oxytocin.
But the paper doesn’t say anything about ghee!! As for inhaling substances, people have been inhaling crack cocaine and getting high for decades lol. What exactly is prana btw ? Is it the energy generated by mitochondria?
Yes. Paper talks about pathway. Shared it for those who are not aware about pathway. 🙂 Prana has different forms. energy generated by mitochondria – could be one form of it. Let me write separate note on it.