Denial of self : Pancha kosha : layered existence

Nisarg Joshi



Have seen your data and audio being transferred from your mobile to nearest mobile tower? Can you see it? But you believe it because you experience it, right?

Same is true for 5-layered body each living organism possess, including our mother Earth. Sharpen your senses and you shall experience it.

Have you seen atom by your eyes without any technology support? Have you seen space between electrons and protons? Their movement?

But still you believe in it? Blind faith? Because someone told so by experiments in lab?

Why not same treatment to different perspective of life described in Bharatiya scriptures? And these principles are here for 1000s of years. Unlike modern science which changes its stand every decade! 😀

For example, 5 layered body?

Is it not our intellectual bankruptcy? So called pseudo rationality is ruining our thought cloud and mind space. Think about it! Instead of out-rightly rejecting these concepts, experiment. Feel. Avail the benefits of long healthy life!

Respect your energy fields and it will work magically to cure physical ailments. Real medicine is medicine of mind and medicine of energy. Physical medicine is nothing but delusion created out of ignorance. 🙂 Think about it!


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