- त्वचा पर लगाने वाले सौन्दर्य प्रसाधनों का हजारों करोड़ों का मार्केट है भारत
- यह प्रोडक्टस में PFAS नाम के रसायन होते है।
- आजतक ऐसा माना जाता था की PFAS त्वचा के अंदर दाखिल नहीं हो सकता
- किन्तु नए संशोधन ने बतलाया की PFAS त्वचा को पार कर रक्त में जा सकते है
- PFAS से यकृत क्षति, थायरॉयड रोग, मोटापा, प्रजनन संबंधी समस्याएं और कैंसर होते है यह सर्वविदित है।
क्या अब भी आप यह आभासी सौंदर्यता प्राप्त करने के मोह में शरीर में विष सिंचन करोगे?
India Cosmetic Market was valued at USD 8.1 Billion in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 18.4 Billion by 2032, at a CAGR of 3.2% during the forecast period 2023 – 2032.
Cosmetics contains ‘forever chemicals’ like PFAS (per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances) are surprisingly capable of passing through our skin.
PFAS can lead to health problems such as liver damage, thyroid disease, obesity, fertility issues and cancer.
Today, PFAS are found in numerous products designed especially for our dermis, including cosmetics as ubiquitous as sunscreen, moisturizers, and cleansers.
“The ability of these chemicals to be absorbed through skin has previously been dismissed because the molecules are ionized,” explains environmental scientist Oddný Ragnarsdóttir.
“The electrical charge that gives them the ability to repel water and stains was thought to also make them incapable of crossing the skin membrane.”
Out of the PFAS tested, 15 seeped into the skin model within 36 hours. One particularly worrisome chemical that was tested, called PFOA (perfluoro octanoic acid), is toxic enough to have been phased out of production in the US in the early 2000s. But not before it spread far and wide in the environment. It regularly shows up in tap water still.
Dermal bioavailability of perfluoroalkyl substances using in vitro 3D human skin equivalent models