What is common among breath [prana], time, sun, horse and the Universe?
They all are वेगवान. All of them has गति. They are not static. Their speed is their hallmark.
In Sanskrit, one word describes all of them: अश्व.
And so when you read : अश्वस्य भूषणं वेगो | Speed is the glory of Horse (Ashwa), one can correlate all above entities and their respective speed.
The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad begins by describing the sacrificial horse as representing the entire universe: ‘its head is the dawn, its eye the sun, its breath the wind, its trunk the year’.
The Ashvamedha sacrifice is the celebration of ‘victory over time’, ‘Synergy with Prana’ and ‘Seamless interplay of inner universe with external universe’.
It is good idea to introduce toy horses (if real ones not possible) to your kids and let their growing imagery is filled with full of vivid visuals of horses. Let there be mock interplay with अश्व. It will psychologically prepare his senses and mind to cope up with speed of the Prana, Time and the Universe when initiated for learning and later in subsequent ashrams.