Childhood and right age of discipline



अष्टमे वर्षे ब्राह्मणमुपनयेत्। गर्भाष्टमे वा। एकादशे क्षत्रियम्। द्वादशे वैश्यम्।

Child with scholastic proclivity should begin formal education at age 8. Child with warrior inclination at 11 and child with business acumen at 12.


As per our culture, Education initiation of Child happens at 5th or 7th or 9th year of life. Education starts with उपनयनम् or यज्ञोपवीतम्. Now this process is so secular & Scientific in Nature that it takes care of Child’s disposition and capacities in mind. Our sick intellectuals see this scientific process with their biased lens and consider this method as communal and caste-discriminatory. What a pathetic and ignorant interpretation! What is wrong in giving Child enough time to become mature enough so that he/she can attain ब्रह्म by self-realization with minimum hassles.

If I am not ready for self-realization at age 5, why force me? Isn’t it stupid process to begin ghetto-education, as early as age 2??? Isn’t it stupid process to impart mass education without considering individual’s capacity and proclivities?

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