Soham Vidhya : Birds Eye View of Life

Nisarg Joshi



Individually, our everyday choices might seem to have no consequences at all on global environment. What for example, is the impact of a farmer burning diesel for fetching water to grow food, a kid playing with battery operated toy, professional travelling weekly by air or we discussing environment over internet. Casual individual events with no significant life changing result for action performer. When we take a bird’s eye view of these actions, they are consumption activities. Consumption cannot conclude without consequences. Fire consumes havya (anything to be offered as an oblation) and the ash is a consequences.

So if you claim that you are person with Satvik bent of mind, you must think before you begin any consumption activity. Ask yourself few questions and strive to find positive reasons to start your activity

1) What is long term impact of my action on self, family, society, nation and environment?

2) Is it compulsion for following my dharma? If yes, what are the
ways of atonement/compensation?

More of us think before act, better will be future of next generation and lesser curse on us.

The aquatic bird swan lives on lakes that abound in lotuses, and subsists in a measure upon the underground stalk of the lotus plant (such a stalk is called bisa), whose joint (granthi), when crushed (bhagna), exudes a juice designated by the word ksira, which is also a common name for milk. Thus the bird, as it floats on the lake, may be said to drink ksira or milk out of water.

“Others see not the difference when water is mixed with milk, but the swan at once separates the milk and the water; so too when the souls are absorbed in the supreme Brahman, the Lord,-the faithful, who have received the Guru’s words, can at once draw a difference between them.”
-Tattva Muktavali

May our children, next generation, emerge as swans, with mighty discriminatory sense of right vs wrong.

1 thought on “Soham Vidhya : Birds Eye View of Life”

  1. I am amazed everytime I read an article of yours Marutji. Thank you for this thought proving article. It is essential for each one of us to look inward and at cause and effect before we do something…


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