What happened to the light, nimble toe dancing?
It disappeared because the shoes locked the baby’s feet into awkward positions—and locked out the baby’s natural stride.
When you feel the ground, you unlock the hidden potential within. Wearing shoes demolishes that process. It’s not impossible to have good form with shoes on, but it’s harder and requires a lot more conscious effort for learning baby.
Young children should be encouraged to spend as much time as possible barefoot. We know that this is especially important for the proper formation of the foot arch in the first six years of life. This is the time when nerves and brain development is at highest speed of development. This is the time when sensory development is at critical stage. This is the time when children learn to walk.
So, moms, trash the WEEBOCKS and let your kids develop strong healthy feet just as they were meant to. Keep them BAREFOOT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Let them experience all turfs, sand, soil, cement, asphalt, tiles, marble, grass! DON’T BE in HURRY for DRESSING THEM LIKE an ADULT! Let them remain natural as long as they become adult 🙂 !Why impose your imaginations on them?
🙂Take care.
What orthopedic surgeon says?
“During barefoot walk/running, the ball of the foot strikes the ground first and immediately starts sending signals to the spinal cord and brain about the magnitude of impact and shear, getting most of its clues about this from the skin contact with the surface irregularities of the ground. Take away this contact by adding a cushioned substance and you immediately fool the system into underestimating the impact. Add a raised heel and the shod runner is forced to land on it. Strap the cushioning on tightly with the aid of a sophisticated lacing system and you block out shear as well, throwing the shock-absorption system even further into the dark. The system responds by landing harder in an attempt to compress the cushion and “feel” the ground.”
Not only this, barefoot walks also help in maintaining working memory of the mind!
Who really needs working memory when we have Terabytes of storage! 😉 Running is not needed 😉
An Exploratory Study Investigating the Effects of Barefoot Running on Working Memory.