Few days back, I shared post about kids eating exclusive items like soil , chalk etc. It was about Pranic intellligence directing innocent kids.
Some infants intuitively eat soil. Some eat lime chalk. They do it due to lack of wholesomeness. They lack something. Some material nutrients and some emotional. Who drives their under-development senses and intellect and take such intelligent decisions?
प्राणमय शरीर.
As we grow, we lose our प्राण. But we hardly get engaged in प्राण refilling. प्राणायाम was not some exclusive fancy exercise that some Baba advertise and we perform in garden or 5 Star resort (call it Ashram
😉). Sometimes, we lose more than our refilling capacity so impact is never observed. Since refilling is not happening, we slowly lose our intuitive intelligence. So our Gut feeling or hunch hardly works
🙂 It gives wrong directions. Wrong decisions. Vicious cycle. Day comes when even we cannot perform simple wound healing. Doctors call it Diabetes.
Got it? It is प्राणमय शरीर that takes care अन्नमय कोश. Pay attention to it!
Refilling should be performed for each शुभ action,daily. For all time and mission critical activities, we seek help from friends and relatives and perform Yajna together so overall local environment’s प्राण refilling happen. For example, वास्तु पूजन or सत्यनारायण कथा etc.”
Treating diabetes with beneficial bacteria
University of Minnesota researchers are on a mission to treat diabetes, and they’ve enlisted a few trillion microscopic helpers.
In place of drugs or surgery, a team of researchers is studying how to improve diabetes patients’ insulin sensitivity by introducing trillions of beneficial bacteria into their intestines. Researchers believe this unusual approach, conducted through a fecal microbiota transplant, could improve how the body regulates blood sugar, the central problem in diabetics. The project is part of MnDRIVE (Minnesota’s Discovery, Research and InnoVation Economy), a $36 million biennial investment by the state that aims to solve grand challenges. As a part of MnDRIVE’s Transdisciplinary Research Program, the project will bridge multiple fields of research and bring together experts from across the U to work on the same clinical trial.
Patients with diabetes have too much glucose in their blood, which leads to a host of serious health problems, from heart disease to obesity. Dr. Alexander Khoruts, a gastroenterologist at the U of M and lead principal investigator on the project, said the right balance of bacteria has the potential to improve the body’s energy metabolism, in part by enhancing insulin function. Insulin drives glucose from blood into cells of the body.
“If we can improve insulin sensitivity, we will correct the central metabolic problem responsible for diabetes,” Khoruts said. “Diabetes is one of the main complications of metabolic syndrome, which is also associated with obesity, high blood pressure and liver disease. If we improve insulin sensitivity, we hope some of the other problems may also get better.”
To understand the composition of microbes present before and after the transplant, Khoruts is working with Michael Sadowsky, Ph.D., director of the U’s BioTechnology Institute. As a microbial ecologist, Sadowsky studies the complex science of how microbes interact in their environment. People who are diabetic or obese tend to have a less diverse microbiome – or microbial community – in their gut. In turn, they are less able to produce important short-chain fatty acids, which may regulate many functions in the body, including appetite, glucose production, metabolic rate and the immune system. Khoruts and Sadowsky believe that a more diverse microbial gut community should be able to produce more short-chain fatty acids that will have a number of beneficial effects for the patients.