What is poison for you, may not be true for me.
Something is poison when it is given in overdose against the capacity of digestive fire to digest it. Bodily fire to assimilate it with body. Or when it is प्राणविहीन e.g. feeding formula, urea, processed food etc.
Fertilizers for crops and feeding formula for infants – both are poison as they are burden for digestive fire.
Society that promotes chemical fertilizers for crops and feeding formula for kids, is sick and insane society. We are . Our govt is! (Neem coated urea! 😀lol )
Premature infants fed formula are more likely to develop necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) than those who are breastfed, but the mechanisms of intestinal necrosis in NEC and protection by breast milk are unknown. We hypothesized that after lipase digestion, formula, but not fresh breast milk, contains levels of unbound free fatty acids (FFAs) that are cytotoxic to intestinal cells.
Lipase digestion of formula, but not milk, caused significant death of neutrophils (ranging from 47 to 99% with formulas vs. 6% with milk) with similar results in endothelial and epithelial cells. FFAs were significantly elevated in digested formula vs. milk and death from formula was significantly decreased with lipase inhibitor pretreatment, or treatments to bind FFAs. Protease digestion significantly increased FFA binding capacity of formula and milk but only enough to decrease cytotoxicity from milk.