श्राद्ध Saves you from toxin reactions


Pitru, Pitru Tarpana

Toxins legacy

I read article titled “Biologist Michael Skinner has enraged the chemical community and shocked his peers with his breakthrough research”

What modern science call a breakthrough research, is known to my culture from ages as पितृ दोष, a ancestors legacy gifted to next generation. Modern science, due to its limitations, limit this legacy to genes only. We expand this limited knowledge to all layers of our sharir.

Not only genes but mental and pranic legacy too carry forward to next generation. For some, it is healthy legacy, for others it is unfortunate suffering. Most of us carry mixed bag – good and bad legacy of biological and mental markers.

Now, these markers are of epigenetic in nature. They remain dormant until a environmental or social condition triggers them.

To keep negative legacy under control and to thank for positive legacy, we celebrate श्राद्ध every year. Btw, it is performed on the death anniversary or collectively during the PitruPaksha or Shraaddha paksha (Fortnight of ancestors), right before Sharad Navaratri in autumn. And it is the season when you see proliferation of diseases.

There are important spiritual reasons to perform pitru tarpana but it also plays critical role in maintaining physical health. More research is needed to identify these bio-markers and perform related rituals. Till then, do perform श्राद्ध every year.

You live life, not for self but also for wellbeing of future generations. Your good or bad physical and mental legacy will either perish next generation or flourish them. Be good, always. Do not forget to pay homage to your ancestors.


The Toxins That Affected Your Great-Grandparents Could Be In Your Genes

His discoveries touch on the basic question of how biological instructions are transmitted from one generation to the next. For half a century it has been common knowledge that the genetic material DNA controls this process; the “letters” in the DNA strand spell out messages that are passed from parent to offspring and so on. The messages come in the form of genes, the molecular equivalent of sentences, but they are not permanent. A change in a letter, a result of a random mutation, for example, can alter a gene’s message. The altered message can then be transmitted instead.

“In essence,” Skinner explains, “what your great-grandmother was exposed to could cause disease in you and your grandchildren.”




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