कदली is a sanskrit word for Banana tree. भादो शुक्ल चतुर्दशी is a day when Banana-belt (where Banana is local fruit food) celebrates कदली व्रत. We worship and plant Banana trees. It is also season to harvest last year’s plantation. (The time between planting a banana plant and the harvest of the banana bunch is from 9 to 12 months. The flower appears in the sixth or seventh month.)
Why कदली व्रत in शरदऋतू?
This is the season of Pitta Prakop. From Malaria to Dengue to Viral infections, all are outcomes of Pitta Prakop followed by life routine negligence.
Best way to tackle Pitta Prakop is to eat sweet fruits. Banana tops the list.
Sanatana Dharma never ever believe in selfish consumption. That which takes care, is a mother. Without worshiping Banana, how can we complete the cycle? So कदली व्रत. While physical Banana may take care of PanchMahabhut, spending time with Banana tree takes care प्राणमय शरीर and chanting with it takes care of मनोमयशरीर.
In short, perfect set up to see 100 शरद cycles