संस्कृत गोवीथि : : गव्य ३१ (शंकराचार्य विशेष)

Nisarg Joshi

Sanskrit, SanskritGavya, SanskritLearning


What is Pranayam to Adi Shankaracharya?

चित्तादिसर्वभावेषु ब्रह्मत्वेनैव भावनात्
निरोधः सर्व वृत्तीनां प्राणायामः स उच्यते॥

The restraint of all modifications of the mind by regarding all mental states like memories as Reality alone, is called pranayama.


शब्द सिन्धु

विजानतः (vijaanataH) = who is in complete knowledge
विजानीताः (vijaaniitaaH) = are in knowledge
विजानीयं (vijaaniiyaM) = shall I understand
विजितात्मा (vijitaatmaa) = self-controlled
विजितेन्द्रियः (vijitendriyaH) = sensually controlled
विततः (vitataH) = are spread
वितरति (vitarati) = to distribute
वितर्क (vitarka) = discernment
वितृ (vitRi) = to distribute
वितृष्णां (vitRishhNaaM) = desirelessness
वित्त (vitta) = money
वित्तं (vittaM) = wealth
वित्तकोषः (vittakoshhaH) = (m) bank
वित्ते (vitte) = wealth
वित्तेशः (vitteshaH) = the lord of the treasury of the demigods
विद् (vid.h) = to obtain
विदः (vidaH) = who understand
विदधामि (vidadhaami) = give
विदारयति (vidaarayati) = to split apart
विदाहिनः (vidaahinaH) = burning
विदितम् (viditam.h) = known
विदितात्मनां (viditaatmanaaM) = of those who are self-realised
विदित्वा (viditvaa) = having known/realised
विदिशां (vidishaaM) = non-direction
विदुः (viduH) = understood
विदूषकः (viduushhakaH) = (m) clown, joker
विदेश (videsha) = foreign land
विदेशी (videshii) = foreigner
विद्धि (viddhi) = know for sure
विद्मः (vidmaH) = do we know
विद्महे (vidmahe) = ?
विद्यते (vidyate) = there is
विद्यनिपुणै (vidyanipuNai) = by the ace scholar Shankara (Plural is used for reverance)
विद्यया (vidyayaa) = (fem.instr.sing.) by knowledge
विद्या (vidyaa) = knowledge


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बहुत अधिक प्रचलित और लोगों के मुँहचढ़े वाक्य लोकोक्ति के तौर पर जाने जाते हैं। इन वाक्यों में जनता के अनुभव का निचोड़ या सार होता है। इनकी उत्पत्ति एवं रचनाकार ज्ञात नहीं होते।

न अस्ति अवमानभयम् अनार्यस्य

न अस्ति अवमानभयम् अनार्यस्य

न आक्रोशात्सारमेयाणां गजो मार्गान्निवर्तते।
न काकशापेन म्रियेत धेनु:।

न तेजसां हि वय: समीक्ष्यते।

न त्यजन्ति रुतं मञ्जु काकसम्पर्कत: पिका:।

न देवचरितं चरेत्

न निम्बवृक्षो मधुरत्वमेति।


अतो गरीय: किं नु स्याद् अशर्म नरकेष्वपि।
यत् प्रियस्य प्रियं कर्तुम् अधमेन न शक्यते॥

What greater misfortune can there be even in hell than to (have) a worthless person who is (willfully) unable to do a good deed for a friend?

पठन -> मनन -> स्मरण -> आत्मसात

॥ एकश्लोकी ॥

किं ज्योतिस्तवभानुमानहनि मे रात्रौ प्रदीपादिकं
स्यादेवं रविदीपदर्शनविधौ किं ज्योतिराख्याहि मे ।
चक्षुस्तस्य निमीलनादिसमये किं धीर्धियो दर्शने
किं तत्राहमतो भवान्परमकं ज्योतिस्तदस्मि प्रभो ॥

इति श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्यस्य
श्रीमच्छङ्करभगवतः कृतौ एकश्लोकी सम्पूर्णा ॥

Is it your light that shines in the day as the sun and as the bright
lamp in the night? Let it be. Which light shines when i close my eyes?
(in mental vision) Which light illumines in my intellctual perception?
You are that supreme light that illumines the awareness of `aham’ and
I am that light. In short `that thou art’ or `ahambrahmasmi.’
I am that by the light of which the world is illumined in the day and
the night also by the lamp, beause the Brahman is the source of all
light, agni or surya. He is the light through which the indriyas
function . When the eyes are closed, there is no perception, the
eyes implying perception through all indriyas, then the mind
functions with the help of the intellect , which in its turn
functions by the light of the atman, which is beyond body, mind and
intellect and that am I, the supreme reality, Brahman.

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