There is a family rule at our home. If social conditions force having meals outside, don’t eat Salad and Chutney.
At restaurants and social gatherings, salad is prepared first and kept open whole day long!
Malls now offer pre-cut vegetables and fruits! 😀 Exploiting laziness of urban families!
I have never seen ignorant junta as I observe now in last decade! With increasing purchasing power, our common sense is diminishing fast! 😀
This also testify my theory that bacteria are faithful weapons of mother nature, used to clean the debris. Pre-cut is प्राणविहीन. Without प्राण, you are dead! Dead are registered in Mother nature’s register for cleaning! So bacteria like Samonella!
I know couple of colleagues affected by typhoid recently after eating at costly most restaurant of city! 🙂 Typhoid is not just due to exposure to fecal in food items but also eating dead food like salad.
This also testify my theory that bacteria are faithful weapons of mother nature, used to clean the debris. Pre-cut is प्राणविहीन. Without प्राण, you are dead! Dead are registered in Mother nature’s register for cleaning! So bacteria like Samonella!
I know couple of colleagues affected by typhoid recently after eating at costly most restaurant of city! 🙂 Typhoid is not just due to exposure to fecal in food items but also eating dead food like salad.
Pre-prepared salads are sold increasingly commonly in grocery stores, said Freestone. They also appear in fast food and in airline meals. However, few studies had previously investigated the behavior of Salmonella within ready-to-eat bagged salad, she said. “We wanted to investigate what happens to Salmonella in a bag of salad to better understand the potential risks to consumers and inform future research on reducing attachment of this pathogen to salad leaves. This study is part of our ongoing research into ways to reduce the risk of Salmonella persisting and growing when it is present in bagged salad.”