Exposure to sexual content in music, movies, television, and magazines accelerates adolescents’ sexual activity and increases their risk of engaging in early sexual intercourse. Result: Confused teens with matured bodies but toddler’s mind. They become irresponsible citizens in future due to hampered development.
Exposure to virtual world tools (Facebook,Twitter,Whatsapp) decelerates adult mind that behave like a child. The word for such adults is neoteny, the state resulting when juvenile characteristics are retained by the adults of a species. (Isn’t narcissism a predominant juvenile behavior? Click photos. Share. Expect likes. Expect comments. Think about it.)
Both are social diseases. Society/Individual suffering from these diseases, cannot perform their duties towards self, family, society, Nation and mankind.
Unless we fix these two diseases, there is hardly any hope for real change in society. And to begin with, we must correct our habits. Divert your free time from passive entertainment to more engaging and active activities. Take breaks from virtual world. Go spend days and days with Nature. Spend time with mass. Understand them. Participate in constructive activities.