Need of the Hour : Indianization of psychiatry utilizing Indian mental concepts




Mind is an outcome localization. Local culture, local habits, local food, local air, local water, local societal interactions.

Yes, even after so called globalization, things remain local as long as mind and its disorders are concerned.

Then, why do we have one global stick to interpret and treat it?

I will go one step further – why not to have holistic dharma-based treatment for mind (which humbly considers all localizations)? After all, it is all mental! 🙂

PS: Dharma is not religion or sect! So don’t read/ignore this with biased mind! 😉

Read this old bookmarked item I had.

Indianization of psychiatry utilizing Indian mental concepts


Most of the psychiatry practice in India is guided by the western concepts of mental health and illness, which have largely ignored the role of religion, family, eastern philosophy, and medicine in understanding and managing the psychiatric disorders. India comprises of diverse cultures, languages, ethnicities, and religious affiliations. However, besides these diversities, there are certain commonalities, which include Hinduism as a religion which is spread across the country, the traditional family system, ancient Indian system of medicine and emphasis on use of traditional methods like Yoga and Meditation for controlling mind.

1 thought on “Need of the Hour : Indianization of psychiatry utilizing Indian mental concepts”

  1. Dharma is not religion or sect!
    Dharma is just a Duty, Responsibility that needs to be religiously (not Religious or religion) and sacredly………..


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