Modern medical science does not believe in mind. For them , mind is an imaginary phenomenon, a resultant of brain activity.
Our medical science (Ayurveda) approves existence of mind as separate layer of organism. You have mind, I have mind, ameba too has mind. Your so much appearing dead furniture too has mind.
This mind decides circuitry of brain. When your mind changes, your brain changes, too. When neurons fire together, they wire together—mental activity actually creates new neural structures (Hebb 1949; LeDoux 2003)
As a result, even fleeting thoughts and feelings can leave lasting marks on your brain, much like a spring shower can leave little trails on a hillside.
So, it is important maintain healthy mental state. That is where we Indians can lead the world in upcoming turmoil times. We have rich heritage of mind experiments. Treasure for anyone whose mind is not confined in prejudices against own local culture.
Key of healthy body is : Healthy mind. What flows through your mind sculpts your brain. Thus, you can use your mind to change your brain for the better—which will benefit your whole being, and every other person whose life you touch.
Smile. Love. Learn. Laugh. Nurture. Revere. Take care 🙂. Damn, no diseases will dare to trespass, unless it is really a outcome of past life’s bad karma
Namaste Mr. Marut hi,
I am huge follower of your articles. Read them always and try to incorporate your teachings in day to day life . You always talk about past life karma for illness and sorrows in our life. But I want to know what is the solution for that. How should one get rid of negative affects of past life karma.