Sometime back I shared how Mitochondria – the power house of the cell resembles to bacterial functions. And scientists even debate to call them bacteria! (
Now, another link speaks the same about cyanobacteria and photosynthesis !
One more study that helps us realize value of महाप्राण!!
Ultimately, it is महाप्राण and its different forms that drives the living organisms!
Old note:
One friend asked me:
“Why do you call bacteria as just another form of Prana that is not manifested as any multi-cellular organism like human body? And they are no enemies!”
Me: “Because, at the end, we all are manifestation of Prana. Like our body cells, bacteria too are manifestation of Prana.”
Friend: “I am not convinced.”
Me: “Do you know Mitochondria?”
Friend: “No”
Me: “Mitochondria is an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. So basically it helps cell in energy production. And for your surprise, they are structurally same as bacteria! A Bacteria within cell! Just like how Prana’s manifestation within cell i.e. Mitochondria is helping cells, they also help outside cell, as a bacteria. Basically, they, like other cells, perform their duties. All living organisms are alive to perform their duties!”
What we really need to realize is that immunity is not war but process of self-realization. Stronger the self-realization, better you can cope up with non-compatible prana manifestation in form of viruses, bacteria, toxins. Think about it
Listen this for more understanding!
How do Plants Make Oxygen? Ask Cyanobacteria
“The ability to generate oxygen through photosynthesis—that helpful service performed by plants and algae, making life possible for humans and animals on Earth—evolved just once, roughly 2.3 billion years ago, in certain types of cyanobacteria. This planet-changing biological invention has never been duplicated, as far as anyone can tell. Instead, according to endosymbiotic theory, all the “green” oxygen-producing organisms (plants and algae) simply subsumed cyanobacteria as organelles in their cells at some point during their evolution.”