12 types of mental stool that will arise in your mind for sure. Purge them as soon as they develop in your mind-space (मानसिक शरीर)
शोकः क्रोधश्च लोभश्च कामो मोहः परासुता।
ईर्ष्या मानो विचिकित्सा कृपासूया जुगुप्सता॥
द्वादश्ौते बुद्धिनाशहेतवो मानसा मलाः।
– इति कालिकापुराणे १८ अध्यायः

Solution is in get rid off mental indigestion. Continuous fine tuning of indriya and sensory perception captured by them, detecting indigestion of thoughts in early stage and divert mind for better alternatives.
सतताध्ययनं वाद- परतन्त्रावलोकनं तद्विद्याचार्यसेवा इति बुद्धि मेधाकरो गण| – सुश्रुत चिकित्सा
Continuous स्व-अध्यन (स्वाध्याय ), hearing moral tales (Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagwad Gita, Bhagwat) and company of good teachers (सत्संग) helps in fine tuning intellect to avoid indigestion of mind.
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