Seed demands treatment for healthy life span. Be it human seed or plant seed.We call it संस्कार विधि. For humans, 16 (षोडश) संस्कार are prescribed. And the first one start before birth i.e. अन्तिम संस्कार of last life. For seeds too, संस्कार विधि starts way before it is in seed form by nurturing parent plants.
Modern seeds come in packet. Treated by orphanage like seed companies. Important pre-sowing संस्कार विधि compromised. Like how most in Kaliyuga does not get proper अन्तिम संस्कार 🙂 For me, अन्तिम संस्कार is trans-generational legacy transfer. 🙂 (Do not ask proofs. Think about it. You may realize it.)
In traditional seed sovereign farming, parent plants are grown in same local environment and so they give enough legacy to seeds to sustain against the environmental conditions. This is missing in seed manufacturing.
Viral diseases, Bacterial diseases, inability to cope with local environment. Just like fate of most orphan kids adapted late in their life. Majority nurturing is missed. And then you employ fertilizers and chemicals to hide symptoms on surface :).
Time is not far when we will have to return to localized farming based on landraces (Natural genetically variations). Healthy seeds, high yields.
A landrace is a domesticated, regional ecotype;[1][2] a locally adapted,[3] traditional variety[4] of a domesticated species of animal or plant that has developed over time, through adaptation to its natural and cultural environment of agriculture and pastoralism, and due to isolation from other populations of the species.
“Landrace populations are often highly variable in appearance, but they are each identifiable morphologically and have a certain genetic integrity. Farmers usually give them local names. A landrace has particular properties or characteristics. Some are considered early maturing and some late. Each has a reputation for adaptation to particular soil types according to the traditional peasant soil classifications, e.g. heavy or light, warm or cold, dry or wet, strong or weak. They also may be classified according to expected usage; among cereals, different landraces are used for flour, for porridge, for ‘bulgur’, and for malt to make beer, etc. All components of the [plant] population are adapted to local climatic conditions, cultural practices, and disease and pests.”[9]
“But most important, they are genetically diverse. They are balanced populations – variable, in equilibrium with both environment and pathogens and genetically dynamic”.[11]
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