Do you use molecular structure report of your kid’s DNA to decide his/her upbringing?
Do you use his/her blood report to identify innate nature and then use it for personality development?
Do you hire geneticist to modify his/her DNA to get desired results?
No. And yet, efforts put in parenting do pay the yield, positively or negatively.
Then why do you need to change genes of the seeds? 🙂

For fetus growing in the womb, there are several influences that shape its future prakriti.
First, it is impact of शुक्र & शोणित (रज,वीर्य). Parental legacy. 7 layers of generational legacy. It is called शुक्रशोणित प्रकृति.
Second, it is timing of the conception and health of the womb that has impact on the growing fetus. For example, वर्षाषु मारुतो दुष्ट: | Conception during monsoon means influence of Vayu. It is called कालगर्भाशय प्रकृति|
Third, it is mother’s food intake. Mental state. Activities. क्षेत्र प्रकृति |
Fourth, it is महाभूतविकार प्रकृति | Past life karma and past life interaction with panch-mahabhut.
Now, all these forces together shaped you and me in womb. And they will go it forever. They will do it forever this way only! Sanatana! Nitya! Always this way!
Please note: Genes play mere 25% (or less) role ( शुक्रशोणित प्रकृति.). 75% is about environment.
It is epigenetics! Be the custodian of master senses and learn to decipher mother nature’s hints! She always wants you to receive in abundance! Lest we realize it! Be the bridge between soil and seeds. Be the instrumental! That’s it!
This is the reason why GMO is highly inefficient and random technology. 75% control is with mother nature.(In fact, it is 100% mother’s rule 🙂 ) Sometimes favorable results, sometimes not. Read the history. IR8 rice (Famous green revolution hero, is now zero) to btCotton : shining examples of failures.
Supporting Research
Shaping Variation in the Human Immune System
Genetic variation accounts for 20–40% of immune variation, with enrichment of gene variants associated with autoimmunity, inflammatory disease, and susceptibility to infections among the identified genetic drivers.
Among the identified intrinsic drivers of immune variation, age is the most potent, driving a shift from a precursor-biased immune status to an inflammation-biased immune status.
A strong environmental effect on immune variation is observed, as revealed by cohabitation studies, with the strongest individual driver identified to date being chronic viral infection.