Yesterday, I unfollowed one right wing page for their continuous sharing of gossip. They took it as Fatwa! And called me Dictator! 🙂 Also questioned whether I really follow Pranayam and meditation or not!
For a change, assume that I only write about meditation but never perform it! But that is not harming the society! On the other hand, you claim being pro-nation but spreading Cricket Gossip, can very well waste productive minds and harm the nation!! Life is not given to be wasted behind gossip!
It was not fatwa. It was well-waited decision. Had great expectation from the young admins. I did not do it abruptly. I gave them feedback 2-3 times during last year. I did it with NitiCentral and Swaraj magazines too. Unfollowed them for their toxic promotion of Cricket and Bollywood. In name of being rightiest, they easily succumb to gossip and trivia for short term popularity. And when I detect it, I unfollow people in real life too!
To me, this will never serve the long term goal of sustaining Sanatana dharma. When you have 30000+ followers, it is great responsibility! Jokes, gossip and trivia won’t serve Maa Bharati!
Life is short. One must not waste it behind trivia and gossip. And if you are a leader and doing it, it is heinous societal crime as you promote same in mass!
यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठस्तत्तदेवेतरा जन: ।
स यत्प्रमाणं कुरुते लोकस्तदनुवर्तते ।।3.21।।
श्रेष्ठ पुरुष जो-जो आचरण करता है, अन्य पुरुष भी वैसा ही आचरण करते हैं। वह जो कुछ प्रमाण कर देता है, समस्त मनुष्य समुदाय उसी के अनुसार बरतने लग जाता है ।।21।।
For whatever a great man does, that very thing other men also do; whatever standard he sets up the generality of men follow the same.(21)
Majority of us are followers. Now this is not my idea. This is universal truth. Demonstrate and they will follow. If you do not demonstrate, they will not wait for you. They will follow whatever trend is popular. If MTV is popular, they will follow pop culture. If Ekta Kapoor’s soaps popular, they will follow it. If religion X is popular, they will follow it. If Sunny Leone is popular, they will follow it. They don’t bother about vacuum of ideals. They follow.
So if you want change in the society, be the change. Be the trendsetter. Unless you demonstrate, majority won’t follow. Unless majority act, change is distant reality.