Who am I after decades of professional life?
60% Engineer, 20% farmer & 20% Teacher.
Satisfied. Contended. Fulfilled .
Try this experiment: Dedicate at least 30% time of your productive youth age (from age 20 to age 40) for tasks where money-exchange is not involved but human-interaction or nature-interaction is involved. Anything – teaching, farming, tree planting, community work, swcchch bharat, sports coaching…whatever suits your mind and body. But the condition is: NO SELF-Interest. No profit. No loss. No future investment. JUST DEDICATE self for the society and future of the society.
PS: HOBBY or Sports or Exercise or playing with own kids or helping in family chores etc.. serves self-interest. It does not come under this experiment. 🙂
In my humble opinion and experience so far, this is great way to balance productive hours and self-interest associated with job or business we do for earning. This is silent medicine to avoid mid-life crisis.
The moment you start your career, do not only plan pension investment but also plan activities you will do after retirement :).
Think about it. 🙂 Take care (Y).
wonderful thought.. dont just invest for retirement monry.. but invest for retirement activities as well..