Note 1
Ghee is medicine but modern doctors blame it for all life style diseases. They even prescribe ban at home.
Well, urban dwellers disconnected from Gau based villages must not consume ghee available in their super markets. It is indeed deadly.
But this does not mean all variety of ghee is bad. Rural India is where we can find ideal case studies. A study on a rural population in India showed a significantly lower prevalence of coronary heart disease in men who consumed higher amounts of ghee.
“Asian Indians previously had a low incidence of coronary heart disease and for generations had been using ghee in their cooking, which is low in PUFAs such as linoleic acid and arachidonic acid. The epidemic of coronary heart disease in India began two to three decades ago when traditional fats were replaced by oils rich in linoleic and arachidonic acid, as well as trans fatty acids which comprise 40% of vanaspati. Adulteration of commercially prepared ghee with vanaspati is also prevalent in India.”
Ghee prepared from desi Gau’s milk by churning is an elixir. If you can avail it, get it at any cost! Yes, at any cost! It will be cheaper than your medical bills. 😛 Be wise, at least health-wise.
Association of dietary ghee intake with coronary heart disease and risk factor prevalence in rural males.
To determine the association between intake of dietary fat, specifically Indian ghee, and prevalence of coronary heart disease (CHD) and risk factors as study was undertaken on a rural population in Rajasthan. Total community cross-sectional survey was done using a physician administered questionnaire; 1982 males aged 20 years and more were studied. The dietary questionnaire focused on the amount and type of fat consumed. Staple dietary fat in this area is mustard/rapeseed oil and Indian ghee. To define the role of ghee, the average amount consumed in a month was determined; 782 males (39%) consumed 1 kg or more ghee per month (group 1) and 1200 (61%) consumed less than 1 kg per month (group 2). To elicit details of fatty acid composition of the diet consumed, detailed dietary history was acquired from a random 460 (23%) males; 220 from group 1 and 240 from group 2. Group 1 males were significantly younger, more literate and had more weight and body-mass index. This group consumed significantly more calories, saturated and mono-unsaturated fats while the consumption of polyunsaturated fats was similar in the two groups. Fatty acid intake analysis showed that group 1 males consumed more mono-unsaturated (n-9) fatty acids than group 2. Intake of polyunsaturated n-3 and n-6 fatty acids was similar. There was significantly lower prevalence of CHD in men who consumed > kg ghee per month (odds ratio = 0.23, 95% confidence limits 0.18-0.30, p < 0.001). Multivariate analysis confirmed this association (p < 0.001). The prevalence of hypertension and other coronary risk factors was similar in the two groups.
Note 2
So your doctor asks you to stop having Ghee and start having Soyabean oil. Right?
Well, study suggests contradictory findings. You should actually stop eating genetically modified Soya oil and start consuming ethically procured desi Gau’s ghee (*What is it?).
As per this study:
“Dietary cow ghee compared to soybean oil downregulates the enzyme activities responsible for carcinogen activation in liver and upregulates carcinogen detoxification activities in liver and mammary tissues.”
*Ethically procured desi Gau’s ghee is produced by Gau shala that treats Gau as mother, never tortures her by hormone injections, processed food, allows calves to have milk as much they want, allows Gau to live freely and graze green grass daily.
Effects of cow ghee (clarified butter oil) & soybean oil on carcinogen-metabolizing enzymes in rats.
Our findings show that dietary cow ghee compared to soybean oil downregulates the enzyme activities responsible for carcinogen activation in liver and upregulates carcinogen detoxification activities in liver and mammary tissues.