Damaged/Disturbed Ecology induces vector borne epidemics


Deforestation, Dengue, Malaria

DEforested Land sickness

Be clear  about two things

  1. Nature is well-designed. This Universe of which we are part of, is well-planned. And we also play critical role in running the universe by our actions and inactions.
  2. Each organism has role to play

So what is the role of mosquito? Are bacteria responsible for our illness? Are viruses responsible for our illness?

No!Mosquito is sanitization pest. They emerge from environment at specific season, temperature. What they carry is nothing but health-marker of environment.

Try to understand. It is प्राण footprint interaction. If your environment is loaded with all sort of incompatible प्राण , प्राण released by deforestation / destruction of nature, epidemics are inevitable.

Check the history. It was during world wars and post war decade when the western population was sick at mass level. Check the history of metro cities. When they were under construction, people were sick most around.

And those survive whose innate prana (as in this research some benign bacteria protects against zika) is strong.


I wrote above in this post (Bacteria can save your from Zika or any Viral infection)

Sanitation pests are ants(black, red, etc.), cockroaches, flies, rats and mosquitoes. Of these, mosquitoes breed in water and other sanitation pests breed on ground covered with organic food. It is a law of ecology that each animal is designed by Nature, to eat its designed food. So the food quality decides which animal will breed. Let us try to understand this. [1]

They are Mother nature’s most trusted messengers. They appears only when we create situations for them in our body or in our local environment by our activities.

Nature has different types of creatures, some with long life and some with very short life. Some with micro body and some with giant body combination of trillions and more micro bodies. Formation of them depends upon the specific combination of environmental factors.

So when you are afflicted by the specific bacteria or virus, try to find root change in the environment. And this physical changes are manifestation of more subtle प्राण. Which action, activity or habit caused it. Sometimes it is beyond our control. Sheer nature’s work. Like mass epidemic.

Mosquitoes breed in water. Rain water as well as sewage water. They breed at specific temperature, moisture and ph level of water. They also need food to survive. Nitrates are food for them.

Each biological unit has carbohydrates(source of energy), proteins(body-building molecule) and nitrates(food pollution). It is the nitrates that decide which animal will breed with a given food supply.[1]

So when you destroy the ecology of jungle, you release so much of soil nitrates. This free nitrate run away into water bodies. These sites become breeding ground for mosquito.

Rain water, though it looks apparently clean, has nitrates and no organic food. This is more difficult situation for mosquitoes and only dengue mosquitoes can do this difficult task. Malaria mosquitoes breed if sewage is mixed with the rain water. Because the sewage has organic food, it presents an easier task for the malaria mosquitoes. If there is still higher food/nitrates ratio, one sees breeding of ordinary mosquitoes that bite us during the night. At still higher food/nitrate ratio, we get breeding of frogs and fish. Fish is a prize Nature gives us if we do not overburden our water bodies with nitrates. Rain brings in nitrates, that is why we hear the frog-sound in the rainy season. It is to warn the wise man that our air is polluted with nitrogen oxides that produce rain with nitrates. Soil has a few mechanism to manage the nitrates, hence we get fish and frogs in pools, but if we store water in modern clean tanks, it breeds dengue mosquitoes. Storing rain water or even the municipal tap water for more than 10 days is a sure recipe to breed the dengue mosquitoes. [1]

Not only that, as per Ayurveda, sanitation pests like mosquito pose no direct harm to us as long as our inner ecology in in balance i.e. Pitta in balance.

When our Pitta is vitiated, due to low digestive fire, we emit lots of Ama (poison) in blood. Most of this Ama is made up of nitrates. Mosquitoes bite only those people whose blood has nitrates. Only female mosquitoes bite us, they need blood with proteins and nitrates. Before actual biting, they sense our blood nitrates by smelling our skin. Nitrates produce specific smelling compounds in our blood and these are also in the sweat. Their biting also warns us to stop polluting our water bodies.

Even after mosquito bite, you don’t develop malaria or dengue suddenly. Or not everyone develops malaria or  dengue. Only those who are really really weak at Apana Vayu, will have poisonous nitrates and dengue or malaria vector stuck in blood for long. Eventually, immunity surrender and we develop dengue or malaria fever.

[1] Understanding Plague, Dr Uday Bhawalkar, IIT Mumbai


Supporting research

Disease-carrying mosquitoes abound in deforested lands


Most disease-transmitting mosquito species live in deforested areas, a finding that may influence decisions on where and when to cut down trees, a new University of Florida study shows.

Deforestation occurs when people remove trees to make way for neighborhoods, farms, shopping centers and other land uses, said Nathan Burkett-Cadena, a UF/IFAS entomologist and lead author of the study.

“This research shows that when we convert forest to other uses, we make habitat for the mosquitoes that carry our diseases,” said Burkett-Cadena. “The takeaway message is that our forests provide benefits above and beyond the biodiversity they sustain, the products they provide — such as food, lumber and medicine — and the recreational opportunities that they provide. Forests are poor habitat for most of our disease-carrying mosquitoes.”

“Humans need to take this into account as we make decisions and policies about what we do with our remaining forests,” Burkett-Cadena said. “Given the rapid pace of global land-use change and deforestation, it is imperative that these dynamics are better understood to mitigate disease risk and guide land-use policy.”

Mosquito-borne diseases account for more than 17 percent of infectious diseases in people, according to the World Health Organization. The most common virus, dengue, is estimated to infect 390 million people per year, according to a 2013 study led by an Oxford University researcher.

Deforestation and vector-borne disease: forest conversion favors important mosquito vectors of human pathogens



The global burden of vector-borne diseases accounts for more than 17% of infectious diseases in humans. Rapid global expansion of previously obscure pathogens, such as Zika and chikungunya viruses in recent years highlights the importance of understanding how anthropogenic changes influence emergence and spillover of vector-borne diseases. Deforestation has been identified as one anthropogenic change that influences vector-borne disease prevalence, although contrasting pictures of the effects of deforestation on vector-borne disease transmission have been reported. These conflicting findings are likely attributable to the inherent complexity of vector-borne disease systems, which involve diverse groups of vectors, hosts and pathogens, depending on geography. The current study represents a quantitative exploration of the link between deforestation and mosquitoes, the most important common constituents of vector-borne disease systems. Analysis of data compiled from published field studies for 87 mosquito species from 12 countries revealed that about half of the species (52.9%) were associated with deforested habitats. Of these species that are favored by deforestation, a much larger percentage (56.5%) are confirmed vectors of human pathogens, compared to those negatively impacted by deforestation (27.5%). Moreover, species that serve as vectors of multiple human pathogens were all favored by deforestation, including Anopheles bancroftii, Anopheles darlingi, Anopheles farauti, Anopheles funestus s.l., Anopheles gambiae s.l., Anopheles subpictusAedes aegypti, Aedes vigilaxCulex annulirostris, and Culex quinquefasciatus. Our quantitative analysis of vector and non-vector species, demonstrates that the net effect of deforestation favors mosquitoes that serve as vectors of human disease, while the obverse holds true for non-vectors species. These results begin to unify our understanding of the relationship between deforestation and vector mosquitoes, an important step in quantifying how land use change, specifically deforestation, affects human risk of vector-borne disease.

Impacts of Deforestation on Vector-borne Disease Incidence


Forest clearance alters ecosystem dynamics and leads to new breeding habitats for disease vectors, such as mosquitoes, fleas and ticks, by reshaping existing ecosystem boundaries. Such boundaries are often sites of contact between humans and forest pathogens. There is a well-documented, positive association between the increased deforestation of an area and the emergence of zoonotic, vector-borne diseases. Populations living within or near these fragmented forests are at a much higher risk of infection due to increased contact with vectors at forest edges and the reduced biodiversity of the area. This paper explores studies that have demonstrated that human-vector contact in newly created forest edges has led to increased risk of malaria in Peru, American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL) in Costa Rica and hantavirus in Panama. It is important to identify at-risk populations and develop strategies to minimize their exposure in order to prevent wider spread of these diseases and help implement targeted control strategies.

How Forest Loss Is Leading To a Rise in Human Disease


A growing body of scientific evidence shows that the felling of tropical forests creates optimal conditions for the spread of mosquito-borne scourges, including malaria and dengue. Primates and other animals are also spreading disease from cleared forests to people.

Throughout human history pathogens have emerged from forests. The Zika virus, for example, which is believed to be causing microencephaly, or smaller than normal heads, in newborns in Latin America, emerged from the Zika forest of Uganda in the 1940s. Dengue, Chikungunya, yellow fever, and some other mosquito-borne pathogens likely also came out of the forests of Africa.

Forests contain numerous pathogens that have been passed back and forth between mosquitoes and mammals for ages. Because they evolved together, these viruses often cause few or no symptoms in their hosts, providing “a protective effect from a homegrown infection,” says Richard Pollack of the T.H. Chan School Public Health at Harvard. But humans often have no such protection.

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