Daily Thoughts for 25 June

Nisarg Joshi


Healthy Children
In a well-nourished child with a proper immune system, viral infections are typically sub-clinical or exceedingly mild. Instead of wholesome food, we feel pride in Pizza and Coke as Status symbol! Chocolate and Biscuits are worse but we give them to kids with pride!
Re-invent self
Creating an environment in which children and youth can grow up healthy should be a very high priority for govt of billion+. Clean Air, Water, Food. Dastardly ignored!
कालोऽस्मि – I am time. – Gita 11.32


“वैधेय, Shri Krishna did not sing for your entertainment and intellectual feast! He is asking you to take care billion+ clocks given in charity! Your body cells!”

Deforestation to death
Deforestation -> Accelerated Water Cycles -> Diabetic Earth -> Desert -> Death

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