मूर्खस्य पञ्च चिह्नानि गर्वो दुर्वचनं मुखे ।
हठी चैव विषादी च परोक्तं नैव मन्यते ॥
There are five signs of a fool : Vanity, wicked conversation, anger, stubborn arguments, and a lack of respect for other people's opinions.
गर्व, मुख में दुर्वचन, हठी स्वभाव, विषाद, और दूसरों का न मानना - ये पाँच मूर्ख के लक्षण हैं ।
Pleasures consume us
भोगा न भुक्ता वयमेव भुक्ताः, तपो न तप्तं वयमेव तप्ताः ।
कालो न यातो वयमेव याताः तृष्णा न जीर्णा वयमेव जीर्णाः ॥
Pleasures weren't consumed, only we were; penance weren't 'done'; only we were 'done';
time didn't pass, only we passed; thirst was not 'over', only we got 'over'.
we think we are consuming the pleasures by pursuing them, but they are consuming us, eating us up all the time. to enjoy all the pleasures coming at us at a rate of gushing oil-well, we must earn more, work more, have less time or patience for others and family, get more loan, stick to our current job that pays bills but sucks blood, ... and one day we realize we can't consume any more pleasures because the doctor has advised against it and god might be calling soon as well, but the pleasures are still there!
we don't consume pleasures, they consume us.
You consume self. Bit by bit. Take care.
Dairy, first pasteurizes milk at extreme heat, destroying all medicinal values & then fortify it with artificial nutrients🤣🤣
Water and Milk : Both are treated erroneously. One is never boiled and another is boiled @ extreme temperature.
Boiling Water
Water is boiled,not just to purify but to infuse essence of fire element, to complement low digestive fire.
Prolonged seasoned Indigestion?
Always boil drinking water, cool down and then drink.
When water is boiled with medicinal plant parts, it is transformed into medicine with potency increased manifold!
Diseased body = low digestive fire.
When patient cannot digest food, do you expect sick body to digest complex chemicals?
Only effective and precision medicine is by transport medicines via Boiled water or inhalation.
1) Air
2) Water
3) Food
4) Chemicals as Medicine
This is the order in which medicine acts efficiently and effecively.
Do you enact stories to kid?Narration?
Or just dumb one way audio-visuals?
Do you really want to miss essential human touch?
बच्चो को कहानी सुनाते हो?
नहीं 🤦🤔
यदि सुनाते हो तो आप सुनाते हो या YouTube? 🤔🤔
कहानी सुनते समय,आँख से संपर्क कर भाव download करते हो या नही? YouTube भाव अंतरण नहीं करेगा!
बच्चों को मां पिता से मधुर संवाद की अपेक्षा है। यूट्यूब को मां बनाया तो भविष्य में भावशून्य समाज के लिए आप ही उत्तरदायी होगे।
Stress(तनाव), भय (Fear) & शोक (Mourning) - Enough to cause instant digestive disorders.Persistent presence invites ulcer/cancer.
Garbh Sanskar
No गर्भ संस्कार music or seminar or book or super diet plan will help if you can't connect and communicate with your kid inside!!
Motherly Teacher
One thing that is missing in education system?
Selfless mother's heart.
When first Guru of life is missing, nothing else work.
Our whims and fancies don't decide growth of पंचकोश शरीर.We must support children in their growth by providing the right platform!
पंचकोश शरीर demands several tools at different age(विविध क्रीडा, कंठस्थकरण etc). Cater tools without outcome expectations in mind!
शिशु अवस्था(० से ५) और बाल्य अवस्था(६ से १२) में बच्चों को परिवार और स्कूल से मिलते तनाव के परिणाम ही वयस्क होते होते आसुरिक वृत्तियां बनने लगती है। समाज मैं बढ़ती वोकनेस,लिबरल मानसिकता, चोरी, दंभ, अनैतिकता, नास्तिकता का मूल २ से १० साल के बच्चों को स्कूल का तनाव और घर में परिवार के सभ्यों का लड़ना झगड़ना है।
"भोजन करनेसे आनंद होता है" - वारंवार उच्चारण करनेसे आनंद प्राप्त नहीं होगा | दाल-रोटी बनाना पड़ेगा, परोसना पड़ेगा, खाना पडेगा |
आम्ररस को फ्रीजर में संग्रह करना, विनेगर वाला ब्रांडेड आचार- क्या आप के घर भी जिह्वा भोग हेतु अवैज्ञानिक रोगकर आहार का चलन है?
Re-invent self
Re-invent your knowledge when you are teaching. That is the most effective way! Teach as if you are learning and unfolding fresh!
Milk and Water
Water and Milk : Both are treated erroneously. One is never boiled and another is boiled @ extreme temperature.