Daily Thoughts for 11 June

Nisarg Joshi


श्रीमंत, बच्चों को १५ वर्ष तक कंप्यूटर,मोबाइल, इंटरनेट से दूर रखते है।और हमारे बच्चों को स्मार्ट शिक्षण के नाम, यंत्रों के व्यसनी!
Most privileged fraction of developed world send their kids to alternative setups. Rest are encouraged to run in rat race.
Secular Education
Secular schooling eats so much of kid’s time that parents are left with no time for essential dharma lessons.
Woke of 2022 are not accidental but results of multi generational sick secular education.
Homeschooling impact
No schooling impact. A friend’s son completed 10th syllabus in 30 days. Now he is exploring studying extra subjects.

People are worried about situation in Nation.
Yet, they give shape to next generation as timid, unexplored, uninformed by secular education, that too by paying hefty fees.

Age based Education

Age 5 to 17(12 yrs!),golden years of life, consumed by dry,syllabus oriented,valueless education! You expect great citizenry? 😃


Awakened Parents->Pregnancy care->Early Childhood care -> Value-based primary education : Enterprising fearless youth.

River Impact

If only 2 days stay with maa Narmada can yield such changes in inner self, imagine might of the society once thrived on her banks!


Your phone and shoes are full of microbial dark matter.
Modern science is clueless about Dark Matter!
लड़ोगे कैसे?आयुर्वेद अपनाओ !

The biggest illusion sold to us by modern pharma is that Microbial dark matter around us is easy controlled by chemical formulas.


Using science to convince mass about common sense is worse and miserable use of science.
गौ out = Desert
Do you need proofs for it?

Give Back training

Groom your kid to give back. Not by used clothes and toys but his/her favorite/new toy/cloth.


The cook is expected to have a bath, change into fresh clothes and only then enter the kitchen.
Is it followed at your home?


“As ghee pervades the whole milk, ओजस permeates all the tissues of Body.”
Restore ओजस, live longer and meaningful life.

Ginger Powerder is real gold

सोने जैसी सोंठ।
સોના જેવી સૂંઠ.
Dry ginger powder is worth of gold.


Shock of disease,first felt at the center of vitality, transmitted outwards, thus affecting energy,that holds life-atoms together.

Inner Man

What is it in a man,asks Shushruta, that falls sick?
Anything that afflicts the inner man (Purusha or Self) is diseases.

Learn from Nature

“If you watch how nature deals with adversity, continually renewing herself, you can’t help but learn”

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