Daily Thoughts for 12 June

Nisarg Joshi


याज्ञिक जीवन

अपने अस्तित्व का एक ही प्रयोजन – अन्य के अस्तित्व को टिकाने और संभालने के लिए ही यह जीवन समर्पित हो। याज्ञिक जीवन।

You do everything for your kid!
From गर्भ संस्कार to Best possible costliest education! Still failures, why?
You never bother to take care of society’s kids! Education is यज्ञ but you consider it as selfish pursuit!
Despite every generation taking better material care for next generation, more failures emerging. Why?
Selfish gene.Severe lack of selfless care for society’s kids!

Public life

If you are in the field of public domain, your arrogance is not only bad for you but also for public and system both.
Arrogance turns us non-receptive. Such doctor can’t really understand you and cure rightly. Teacher can’t teach what you deserve.

GUT Microbes

If GUT microbes decides efficacy of drugs,be it cancer or flu.Shouldn’t focus be on GUT health by exercise,food and ब्रह्मचर्य?

If GUT microbes decides efficacy of drugs, be it cancer or flu treatment.Shouldn’t our focus be on GUT then Chemicals cocktails?

आहार हो या औषध,प्रभावकारिताका आधार है आंतके अंत में चल रहे निरंतर यज्ञके अग्नि पर!
(GUT Microbes decides efficacy of drugs)

क्या आप अधपका खाना पसंद करते हो?वैसे मन्दाग्निसे अधपचा आहार आपके शरीरको मान्य नही है!अग्निबल आयु,प्रकृति और ऋतु आधारित है|

Health Care

Ideal healthcare should actually care more about food i.e. Agriculture & Kitchen Science and not antibiotics & Vitamin supplement.


Solve indigestion

Solve 99.99999% of diseases.
Focus:Fire within.Eat only when there is absolute hunger alert.


Avoid under-nutrition,over-nutrition,malnutrition,incompatible diet,OR anything against the socio-cultural habits of the land.

Defective Metabolism

Signs of defective metabolism:

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