I shared here N-times that ideal role models play critical role in shaping character of the teens.
When dishonest, corrupted and hypocrite Bollywood / Entertainment industry actors are role model, what to expect from youth?
रामायण, महाभारत – no one recite them at home. Generation after generations, we are being raised without moral education.
Now, even 3-4 years old kids manipulate adults! They are being raised by parents who speak lies in every other communication!
(Let me give you example casual dishonesty in the era of mobile communication:
“Where are you?”
“Oh, just on the way!” (But in reality,person is still at home, trying to start the journey 🙂
🙂 )
With repetition, this becomes habit. Dishonesty is habit now. Don’t get surprised when political parties do U-turns. It is now societal habit! 🙁
Prof Dan Ariely is an expert in Behavioral Economics. His findings confirm what we were always told – रघुकुल रीत सदा चली आई, प्राण जाएँ पर वचन न जाई। Our role models, our guides, our आराध्य – never lied. The word of a Hindu / Sanatani was gold.