More than present growing generation, I am worried about upcoming 2-3 generations. Present generation ability to cope up with stress is almost nil due to toxic environment they are part of. Class 9 or 10 student executing murder or suicide is new low of our society. And that suggest our inability to handle stress.
Increase positive stress by engaging kids in sports, adventurous activities.
Spartan kid was shaped by rigorous stress. And same stress handling strength was gifted to next generation. Send your kid to Akhada! After age 5-7, discipline is needed .It is positive stress. Don’t raise them in comfort zones.

Europeans groom kids by arranging race like this: Spartan Race
Ask modern indian parents to send kids to Akhada and they are like : “OMG! It may hurt him !!”
Sad! Up to age 5, you shower the love and pamper! But slowly, change the training! Superpower Nation is not child’s play but surely strong children will make it happen in future!
Nullify negative stress created by TV, Mobile, Gaming, Indoor activities. Screens are turning them into fragile zombies!!
And if you think you are being gifted certain traits in legacy, do पितृ तर्पण!
Even if you are rational fanatic, so called modern atheists, you are still being watched by your पितृ/पितर् .
Worshiping them is a sane and truly rational choice as they are the ones, hidden, enveloped in layers of our mind and body, guiding and manufacturing responses in reaction to the changing environment! All along with देवगण & ऋषिगण !
And if you protect your child too much now! you are making life of your grandchildren miserable!! 🙂 (Reason why we have Rahul Gandhi
😉 )
- Stress is important in childhood. Promote sports and adventure based stress
- Shun negative digital stress
- PItru-tarpan helps in wedding out negative traits received as legacy
Research Reference
Early life stress in fathers improves behavioural flexibility in their offspring
Traumatic experiences in childhood can alter behavioural responses and increase the risk for psychopathologies across life, not only in the exposed individuals but also in their progeny. In some conditions, such experiences can however be beneficial and facilitate the appraisal of adverse environments later in life. Here we expose newborn mice to unpredictable maternal separation combined with unpredictable maternal stress (MSUS) for 2 weeks and assess the impact on behaviour in the offspring when adult. We show that MSUS in male mice favours goal-directed behaviours and behavioural flexibility in the adult offspring. This effect is accompanied by epigenetic changes involving histone post-translational modifications at the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) gene and decreased MR expression in the hippocampus. Mimicking these changes pharmacologically in vivo reproduces the behavioural phenotype. These findings highlight the beneficial impact that early adverse experiences can have in adulthood, and the implication of epigenetic modes of gene regulation.
Stress reaction may be in your dad’s DNA, study finds
Stress in this generation could mean resilience in the next, a new study suggests.
Male mice subjected to unpredictable stressors produced offspring that showed more flexible coping strategies when under stress, according to a study published online Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications.
The secret might be hidden in a small change in how certain genes are regulated in the sperm of the father and in the brains of offspring, the study found.
Several studies have shown that stress in early life not only can affect the individual’s behavior and cognitive functions, but can affect the next generation. So researchers have been eager to find any trace of changes in DNA coding that might underlie their observations.