Sharada Tilaka Tantra
Sarada Tilaka a collection of mantras and instructions for worship (Homa) of various deities including Ganapati, Shiva, Vishnu and various manifestations of the goddess.
It has total 25 chapter. This jignasu (http://www.mukhopadhyay.in/2012/02/sharada-tilaka-tantra.html) has given good explanation of all chapters.
Chapter 1
Discusses cosmogony and embryology
1. Definition of mahaH / shabda brahmaNa
2. Process of creation – bindu, nADa, shabda brahmaNaChapter 2
1. Evolution of cosmic sound
2. mantravAda
3. Definition of a good guru and shishyaChapter 3
Rites to be performed before initiation like vAsty-yAga, site selction for maNDapa, its construction, directions on how to draw yantra etcChpater 4
Discusses all aspects of initiationChapter 5
1. Initiation
2. homaChapter 6
Meditation on alphabet and its deities
a. devI mAtRRikA or sarasvatI
b. dhyAna of shAradA, ardhanArIshavara etc
c. importance of brAhmI sAgaChapter 7
Meditation on alphabet and its deities
a. bhUtalipi mantra
b. lipitaru
c. viyat yantra, vAyaviya yantra etc
d. Rules of conduct of worshipper of SarasvatiChapter 8
a.5 dhyana mantras and associated rules, yantras
b.Rules of conduct of worshipper of LakshmiChapter 9
bIja mantra, different dhyAna mantras, yantra etcChapter 10
tvaritA and annapUrNA
dhyAna mantras, modes of worship, nyAsas, yantrasChapter 11
dhyAna mantras, modes of worship, nyAsas, yantras for durgA, mahiShmardinI, jaya durgA, shUlini,vana-durgAChapter 12
dhyAna mantras, modes of worship, nyAsas, yantras for tripurA, rAjamAta~nginIChapter 13
dhyAna mantras, modes of worship, nyAsas, yantras of different forms of gaNapati
Read more here: http://www.mukhopadhyay.in/2012/02/sharada-tilaka-tantra.html
Our focus is on chapter 13. Ganesh Sadhana. It talks about different aspects of Ganesha.
Read entire book here: (https://archive.org/stream/SaradaTilakaTantra/sarada_tilaka_tantra#page/n144/mode/1up)