But fathers believe in fun! Parties!
What is present married couple’s attitude before progeny planning?
हेल्लो मिस्टर . डी जे, मेरे गाने पिल्ज़ प्ले
आज नो वाइन, आज नो लागा, आज पियेंगे चाम्पपियेंन
बम बम बम बूजिंग डांसिंग एंड वी क्रुज़िंग
बौंसर पंगा लेता है तोह, गोटा कीप ईट मूविंग
चार बज गए लेकिन पार्टी अभी बाकी है
ब ब ब .., विथ द बजे ऐ
“I damn don’t care! Its a Friday night!”
Damn the self-centered ignorance! You spoil not only your future but also future of the Earth by passing on weak and faulty legacy genes.
A father’s lifetime experiences can be transmitted to his offspring to affect health and development. The mechanisms underlying paternal epigenetic transmission are unclear. Unlike somatic cells, there are few nucleosomes in sperm and their function in epigenetic inheritance is unknown.
No matter who you are, human, horse, dog or donkey, the biological legacy will haunt you for entire life! Fated! Destined! You must live with them and find you way of living by adjustments.
So your life under the influence of addictions, rampant life style – you gift this to your kids.
Why so much ignorance? Do you really want to gift chaos to kids?
My tips for newly married:
Unlike female egg that is renewed with every mensuration cycle, male sperm takes 72 days from inception to maturation. During this 72 days, whatever you eat, drink, how you act, what you think – they all play role in shaping biological and mental destiny of your child! Not only your child, 7 generations to come!
So before you plan for a child:
1) Regularize your routine. Same time to sleep, same time wake up. Right food always!
2) No mental stress of whatsoever!
3) No addictions
4) No junk food
5) Pious simple life
All (Sacrifices?) in the service of future generation!
Think about it! Take care!
(those of us like me, who are already parents, better late than never. Take care as a grand-father!)
What your father did before you were born could influence your future health
It might not just be expectant mothers who have to pay attention to their lifestyle. Now a new study published in Science could be relevant to a growing body of research looking at ways in which the lifestyle and environment of men before they become fathers could influence the lives of their children and grandchildren.
We know that many human traits, such as weight, height, susceptibility to disease, longevity or intelligence, can be partly inherited, but researchers have so far struggled to identify the precise genetic basis for this. This may partly be due to limitations in our understanding of how genetics works, but now there is growing interest in the potential for something called epigenetics to explain this heritability.
Epigenetics refers to the information in the genome over and above that contained in the DNA sequence. This information takes a number of forms, but the most popular ones scientists have studied relate to the chemical modification (known as methylation and acetylation) of DNA and the proteins called histones that together make up the human genome.
This epigenetic information – which influences which copies of the genes in our DNA are ‘expressed’, or used – may be passed from one generation to another during reproduction. It can even persist within a lifetime in a person’s tissues and organs, even as their cells are replenished.
Disruption of histone methylation in developing sperm impairs offspring health transgenerationally
A father’s lifetime experiences can be transmitted to his offspring to affect health and development. The mechanisms underlying paternal epigenetic transmission are unclear. Unlike somatic cells, there are few nucleosomes in sperm and their function in epigenetic inheritance is unknown. We generated transgenic mice in which overexpression of the histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) demethylase LSD1/KDM1A during spermatogenesis reduced H3K4 dimethylation in sperm. KDM1A overexpression in one generation severely impaired development and survivability of offspring. These defects persisted transgenerationally in the absence of KDM1A germ line expression and were associated with altered RNA profiles in sperm and offspring. We show that epigenetic inheritance of aberrant development can be initiated by histone demethylase activity in developing sperm, without changes to DNA methylation at CpG-rich regions.