
Modern Research: Lack of diversity of microorganisms in the gut or elevated gut metabolites implicated in heart failure severity.
My take:
Like our body’s cells, microbes all over our organs, are groomed by prana. Flow of prana, variety of pranic rhythm, decides nutrients reach in cells. It also decides whether post-digestion outcome will be dhatu or ama(toxins). And based on that, community of microbes emerge. So in short, it is flow of Prana through 72000 Nadis, decide whether you get XYZ disease or not via manipulation of microbes and microbe generated nutrients\ama.
Prana flow is affected by several reasons. Your posture, your exercise status, your mental state, your food, your water, your breathing method, sunlight exposure, your sleeping style, your dincharya and so on.
“Some people who experience heart failure have less biodiversity in their gut or have elevated gut metabolites, both of which are associated with more hospital visits and greater risk of death, according to a systematic review of research findings led by Georgetown University School of Nursing & Health Study researchers and colleagues.”