आदित्यस्य नमस्कारं ये कुर्वन्ति दिने दिने |
जन्मान्तरसहस्रेषु दारिद्रयं नोपजायते ||
The people who bow down to the Sun (perform SUryanamaskArs)everyday, povertydoes not arise intheir lives for thousands of births. (The people who are punctual in their duties like Sun, never become poor.)
Sickness is a state of poverty. Irrespective of sect, religion and spiritual inclination, this is wonder exercise that gives clarion call to all body cells and put them in motion again, everyday.
An energetic way to start a day.
By worshiping and focusing on param mitra’s external roop, we can finetune his reflection inside. Our biological clocks follow Sun’s the rhythm. Due to our habits, we disturb them. Everyday suryanamaskar can correct them.
For fulfilled and content life, it is important to have healthy mental state. Along with many benefits of प्राण ( modern science is not capable to explain it) at sunrise salutation to the Sun, sun-light interacts with brain serotonin systems and possibly influences serotonin-related behaviors.
So if you are nocturnal and hardly interact with rising sun daily (i.e. don’t wake up before sunrise 😉 ), chances are high that you have minor to major mood disorders.
Mental disturbance means disturbed physical activities. Difficulty in performing own duties ==> shortcuts ===> Crimes, suicides.
Here is the study supporting importance of Sun exposure and mental health.
“Lower rates of suicide are associated with more daily sunshine in the prior 14 to 60 days.
Light interacts with brain serotonin systems and possibly influences serotonin-related behaviors. Those behaviors, such as mood and impulsiveness, can play a role in suicide.”
Direct Effect of Sunshine on Suicide FREE
Importance It has been observed that suicidal behavior is influenced by sunshine and follows a seasonal pattern. However, seasons bring about changes in several other meteorological factors and a seasonal rhythm in social behavior may also contribute to fluctuations in suicide rates.
Objective To investigate the effects of sunshine on suicide incidence that are independent of seasonal variation.
Design, Setting, and Participants Retrospective analysis of data on all officially confirmed suicides in Austria between January 1, 1970, and May 6, 2010 (n = 69 462). Data on the average duration of sunshine per day (in hours) were calculated from 86 representative meteorological stations. Daily number of suicides and daily duration of sunshine were differentiated to remove variation in sunshine and variation in suicide incidence introduced by season. Thereafter, several models based on Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated.
Main Outcomes and Measures Correlation of daily number of suicides and daily duration of sunshine after mathematically removing the effects of season.
Results Sunshine hours and number of suicides on every day from January 1, 1970, to May 6, 2010, were highly correlated (r = 0.4870; P < 10−9). After differencing for the effects of season, a mathematical procedure that removes most of the variance from the data, a positive correlation between number of suicides and hours of daily sunshine remained for the day of suicide and up to 10 days prior to suicide (rmaximum = 0.0370; P < 10−5). There was a negative correlation between the number of suicides and daily hours of sunshine for the 14 to 60 days prior to the suicide event (rminimum = −0.0383; P < 10−5). These effects were found in the entire sample and in violent suicides.
Conclusions and Relevance Duration of daily sunshine was significantly correlated with suicide frequency independent of season, but effect sizes were low. Our data support the hypothesis that sunshine on the day of suicide and up to 10 days prior to suicide may facilitate suicide. More daily sunshine 14 to 60 days previously is associated with low rates of suicide. Our study also suggests that sunshine during this period may protect against suicide.