Grain Storage : Then and Now

Nisarg Joshi



In ideal, prosperous Kingdoms of Bharat, storing food for future was critical state duty. One can judge the success of the state based on their dedication of storing of food for citizens.

Ancient Kings, quipped with master astrology scientists as their Ratna in the assembly, could predict bad monsoon followed by famine very precisely. Famines were expected as a natural cycle.

They do not either plant crops during famine or do not use it food. For such bad years, they utilize stored grains. This is to provide highly nutritious food for all citizens so that they are not devoid of Prana and do not forget path of their dharma.

This is one of the finest way to maintain crimes in the state. Because, it is mal-nutrition that causes major mental disorders driven crimes.

This storage was never a centralized facility. It was distributed at village level. Highly decentralized facility. Unlike modern India’s wastage of precious grains.

This duty was shared by citizens too. They also used to store grains at individual family level.

One of the benefits of using old grain is that grain goes through all different environmental conditions and imbibe protection against the odds. When subjects eat it, they too are blessed with the quantum information instructions stored in grains. Not only grains, ghee, jaggery, turmeric, honey – they all were stored based on same principle.

It is high time we revive this forgotten ritual at state level and at individual level.

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