Weapon Training : Need of the hour

Nisarg Joshi

Warrior, Weapon


Weapon training is must for upcoming times.

शस्त्रं द्विजातिभिर्ग्राह्यं धर्मो यत्रोपरुध्यते ।
द्विजातीनां च वर्णानां विप्लवे कालकारिते । । Manu-Smriti ८.३४८ । ।

Right now,weapons are in the hands of mleccha(s) (Barbaric – terrorists, fanatics, mafias, mercenary pawns). They don’t think twice firing a gunshot. And we see the results across the world. To protect self and family, one must get self equipped with weapons.

If you preach timidness and weakness as fake form अहिंसा, you are inviting self-destruction.

गुरुं वा बाल-वृद्धौ वा ब्राह्मणं वा बहुश्रुतम् ।
आततायिनम् आयान्तं हन्याद् एवाविचारयन् ।। मनु. 8 – 350

अर्थात् – गुरु हो, बालक हो, वृद्ध हो या बहुश्रुत ब्राह्मण हो – लेकिन वह शस्त्र लेकर वध करने को यदि आ रहा हो तो, ऐसे आततायी को तो बिना कोई विचार किये मार ही डालना चाहिये ।।

Who is आततायी ?

शुक्राचार्य ने धर्मशास्त्र की ऐसी आज्ञा को देख कर, षड्-विध आततायियों की गिनती भी की हैः- 1. अग्नि में जला देनेवाला, 2.विष देनेवाला, 3. शस्त्र उठा कर आनेवाला, 4. धन की चोरी करनेवाला, 5. खेत की जमीन ले लेनेवाला, और 6. पत्नी का अपहरण करनेवाला – ये सब आततायिन् है ।

अग्निदो गरदश्चैव शस्त्रोन्मत्तो धनापहः ।
क्षेत्रदारहरश्चैतान् षड् विद्याद् आततायिनः ।। – शुक्रनीतिः

So if you keep quiet for your false non-violence notion, you are not on dharma path but on tamasik adharma path.

All this is possible to restrict. The root is in education. Our society is breeding आततायी(s) for sheer root in education.

We as a society, are failure. We failed to reform education in true sense. We failed to provide culture in education.

अतीत्य बन्धून् अवलङ्घ्य मित्राण्याचार्यम् आगच्छति शिष्यदोषः ।
बालं ह्यपत्यं गुरवे प्रदातुर्नैवापराधोSस्ति पितुर्न मातुः ।।
( पञ्चरात्रम् 1 –19, पृ.377 )
“ बाल्यावस्था में हीं गुरु के आश्रम में भेजा गया कोई छात्र यदि दुषित चरित्रवाला निकलता है तो उसमें गुरु का ही दोष गिना जायेगा, उसमें दोस्तों का, या माता का, या पिता का कोई अपराध नहीं माना जायेगा ।। ” –अर्थात् शिक्षण-जगत् में गुरु की भूमिका भी लोकसंग्रह के कर्तव्य से संयुक्त ही है ।

All wars are avoidable if the right dharma-centered education is imparted.

2 thoughts on “Weapon Training : Need of the hour”

  1. On the name of ahimsa we are made cawards.
    Similarity: Wellesley brought a proposal for all indian kings to keep no army and will be protected by British Government.They Followed it. And eventually after a few generation they were left with no skill and then they were without support of people ( they were engaged in enjoying wealth),no army to fight,no skill. Same will be happening with Gandhi. They made gandhi hero to promote non violence so we thought of stopping violence for something wrong. We go to police for justice and hence we are getting less powerful. SO next time if army rule will come on us we will be having no way to get out.

  2. अहिंसा परमो धर्मः
    धर्म हिंसा तथीव च

    Ahimsa Paramo Dharma
    Dharma himsa tathaiva cha
    Non-violence is the ultimate dharma. So too is violence in service of Dharma.


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