Technology? How far, how much, how long?

Nisarg Joshi



Technology? How far, how much, how long?

“People who celebrate technology say it has brought us an improved standard of living, which means greater speed (people can travel faster and obtain more objects and information sooner), greater choice (often equated with freedom of choice, which usually refers to the ability to choose among jobs and commodities), greater leisure (because technology has supposedly eased the burden and time involved in work), and greater luxury (more commodities and increased material comfort). None of these benefits informs us about human satisfaction, happiness, security, or the ability to sustain life on Earth.

Perhaps getting places more quickly makes some people more contented or fulfilled, but I’m not so sure. Nor am I convinced that greater choice of commodities in the marketplace qualifies as satisfying compared with, say, love and friendship and meaningful work. Nor do I believe that choice equals “freedom,” if one defines the latter as a sense that one has true control over one’s own mind and experience. ”

– Jerry Mander

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