Stressed Fathers Before Child Planning: Children’s brain development affected


Child Development

Father passes stress impact to newborn
Father passes stress impact to newborn

I wrote one post two days back about how not only gene legacy but habit legacy help/jeopardize future generations.

Helpful legacy is fine but what about controlling unwanted legacy? Like life-degenerating addictions? Sometimes your ancestors passed through natural calamities with altered habits which you really don’t need now. Your parents were under great stress to fight against the poverty but now you want to get rid of that stress impact on your body.

So what is the solution if we receive unwanted legacy from ancestors?

If legacy stress is so intense that you get physical anomaly, physical anomaly is difficult to cure but we can certainly cure mental anomalies.

There is a way prescribed by our culture and forefathers : We do श्राध्ध & पितृ तर्पण. तर्पण is psychologically so potent ritual that you will hardly notice transformation it will do by subduing unwanted mental legacy. It is our fate if we prefer to live under the control of delusional rational mind with complete negation of mind’s requirements like Tarpana. 🙂 (Y) Ignore this post as superstitious rant 🙂

You can learn Pitru Tarpana from Shri Narasimha Rao‘s compilation here:

As I said, only way to help future is to prepare future for them by living ideal life now! 🙂 If you have chosen to be married couple, be ready to sacrifice all your anti-life fun and addiction while you plan for kids.

All would-be parents can take care by:

1) No stress at work. No family quarrels.
2) Healthy food and sound sleep
3) Always remain cheerful and positive about life
4) Pranayam, Asana, Concentration, Meditation

If you claim being scientific, you must accept process where legacy you transfer to your kids. And once you realize it, you must act. knowing and not acting is a greatest state of laziness. 🙂

We seek better world in future but we don’t participate when our turn comes🙂 . Child planning is a great duty towards society! Perform and participate! It is not mere fun-sex!!


Read this paper:

Penn: Stressed Dads Affect Offspring Brain Development Through Sperm MicroRNA

“More and more, scientists have realized that DNA is not the only way that a parent can pass on traits to their offspring. Events experienced by a parent over a lifetime can also have an impact.”

“It’s remarkable to me that seemingly mild stress to a male mouse would trigger this massive change in microRNA response and that that would get wired into the course of his offspring’s development,” Bale said.

When subjected to a mild stress, in this case, being restrained briefly, the offspring that arose from the zygotes that received the multi-miR injections had lower cortisone levels compared to offspring in the control groups. The mice in the multi-miR injection group also had significant changes in the expression of hundreds of genes in the paraventricular nucleus, a brain region involved in directing stress regulation, suggesting wide-spread changes in early neurodevelopment.

Finally, the researchers aimed to determine how the miRs were carrying out this effect after fertilization. Because miRs are known to target and degrade mRNA, the team looked at the stored maternal mRNA, a genetic bundle that is contained in the egg when it is fused with the sperm and exists for only a brief window of time to direct early zygotic development.

“People used to think that because that stored maternal mRNA gets translated during that initial two-cell and four-cell development, the mom gets a lot of say in those early stages and the dad gets no say,” Bale said. “But we thought maybe these sperm miRs could be attacking that maternal mRNA and directing which mRNAs get translated.”

The researchers again injected miRs into zygotes and performed control injections, but this time they incubated the zygotes for eight hours and then amplified the RNA in each single cell to look for gene expression levels. They found that, indeed, the multi-miR injection appeared to be attacking the maternal mRNA, resulting in a reduction in those mRNA levels compared to control injections. Specifically affected were genes involved in chromatin remodeling.

Bale suspects that when a male experiences stress it may trigger the release of miRs contained in exosomes from the epithelial cells that line the epididymis, the storage and maturation site for sperm between the testes and the vas deferens. These miRs may be incorporated into the maturing sperm and influence development at fertilization.

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