Why Sitting Position and Right Posture?

Nisarg Joshi



2 days back I shared importance of sitting posture in cooking ritual. In one of the shared post, there was argument that standing position is better than sitting 🙂. So this second post on posture and daily tasks.

Sitting : This is not just limited to cooking. It is prescribed for all mind-intensive activities. And there are physiological disadvantages too of prolonged standing.

Even surgeries in Ancient India used to happen in operation theater supporting sitting posture for lead surgeon.

Visit any genuine Ayurvedic doctor and his/her observation table would support his/her sitting position.

I talked to my doctor friend and he agreed with me with following reasoning:

“Long duration standing posture for intellectual activities is contraindication. You need extra efforts for focus due to stress induced hormonal imbalance. This may affect the efficiency of the task and end result.”

Cooking, eating, diagnosis, dialogue, discussion, contemplation, meditation – Sit and act. (Y)

Here are some issues due to prolonged standing position at work.

Slouching – Proper posture is often referred to as a “neutral spine” slouching is improper posture or a “nonneutral spine”

While standing on two legs, a slouching posture distributes weight across the body framework. Slouching is often times described as improper posture, movement or rigidity of the spine, especially the cervical and thoracic regions, in relation to other parts of the body.

Pooling of the blood in the legs, with sluggish return of blood to the heart.
· Swelling of the legs.
· Varicose veins and nocturnal leg cramps.
· Preterm birth and spontaneous abortion in pregnant women.
· Cardiovascular disease, especially for those standing in a fixed posture.

Take care.


Long-term complications of standing


Standing at Work: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly



Now too much STANDING is bad for you: Being on your feet for long periods of time at work can lead to painful back and muscle problems in later life


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