संस्कृत गोवीथि : : गव्य ४७ : कृष्ण जन्म विशेष : रामानुजाचार्य रचित श्रीरङ्गगद्यम्

Nisarg Joshi

Sanskrit, SanskritGavya, SanskritLearning


रामानुजाचार्य विशिष्टाद्वैत वेदान्त के प्रवर्तक थे। वह ऐसे वैष्णव सन्त थे जिनका भक्ति परम्परा पर बहुत गहरा प्रभाव रहा।

वैष्णव आचार्यों में प्रमुख रामानुजाचार्य की शिष्य परम्परा में ही रामानन्द हुए जिनके शिष्य कबीर और सूरदास थे। रामानुज ने वेदान्त दर्शन पर आधारित अपना नया दर्शन विशिष्ट अद्वैत वेदान्त लिखा था।

रामानुजाचार्य ने वेदान्त के अलावा सातवीं-दसवीं शताब्दी के रहस्यवादी एवं भक्तिमार्गी आलवार सन्तों के भक्ति-दर्शन तथा दक्षिण के पंचरात्र परम्परा को अपने विचारों का आधार बनाया।

Sriranga Gadyam is a Sanskrit prayer written by the Srivaishnavism philosopher Swami Ramanuja towards the end of the 11th century. It is one of the first bhakti prayers in this school of thought and is the basis for many prayers, like Raghuveera gadyam of this style. It is recited in the 108 divya desam temples including Srirangam.

॥ श्रीरङ्गगद्यम् ॥

चिदचित्परतत्त्वानां तत्त्वयाथार्थ्यवेदिने ।
रामानुजाय मुनये नमो मम गरीयसे ॥

स्वाधीन त्रिविध चेतनाचेतन स्वरूपस्थितिप्रवृत्तिभेदं,
क्लेशकर्माद्यशेषदोषासंस्पृष्टं, स्वाभाविकानवधिकातिशय
ज्ञानबलैश्वर्य वीर्य शक्तितेजस्सौशील्य वात्सल्य मार्दवार्जव सौहार्द
साम्य कारुण्य माधुर्य गाम्भीर्य औदार्य चातुर्य स्थैर्य धैर्य शौर्य
पराक्रम सत्यकाम सत्यसङ्कल्प कृतित्व कृतज्ञताद्यसङ्ख्येय कल्याण
गुणगणौघमहार्णवं, परब्रह्मभूतं, पुरुषोत्तमं, श्रीरङ्गशायिनं,
अस्मत्स्वामिनं, प्रबुद्धनित्यनियाम्य नित्यदास्यैकरसात्मस्वभावोऽहं,
तदेकानुभवः तदेकप्रियः, परिपूर्णं भगवन्तं, विशदतमानुभवेन
निरन्तरमनुभूय, तदनुभवजनितानवधिकातिशय
प्रीतिकारिताशेषावस्थोचित अशेषशेषतैकरतिरूप नित्यकिङ्करो भवानि ॥

स्वात्म नित्यनियाम्य नित्यदास्यैकरसात्म स्वभावानुसन्धानपूर्वक
भगवदनवधिकातिशय स्वाम्याद्यखिलगुणगणानुभवजनित अनवधिकातिशय
प्रीतिकारिताशेषावस्थोचित अशेषशेषतैकरतिरूप नित्यकैङ्कर्य
प्राप्त्युपायभूतभक्ति तदुपाय सम्यग्ज्ञान तदुपाय समीचीनक्रिया
तदनुगुण सात्विकतास्तिक्यादि समस्तात्मगुणविहीनः, दुरुत्तरानन्त तद्विपर्यय
ज्ञानक्रियानुगुणानादि पापवासना महार्णवान्तर्निमग्नः, तिलतैलवत्
दारुवह्निवत् दुर्विवेच त्रिगुण क्षणक्षरणस्वभाव
अचेतनप्रकृतिव्याप्तिरूप दुरत्यय भगवन्मायातिरोहित स्वप्रकाशः, 
अनाद्यविद्यासञ्चितानन्ताशक्य विस्रंसन कर्मपाशप्रग्रथितः,
अनागतानन्तकाल समीक्षयाऽपि अदृष्टसन्तारोपायः, निखिलजन्तुजात
शरण्य, श्रीमन्नारायण, तव चरणारविन्दयुगलं शरणमहं प्रपद्ये ॥

एवमवस्थितस्यापि अर्थित्वमात्रेण परमकारुणिको भगवान्, स्वानुभवप्रीत्य
उपनीतैकान्तिकात्यन्तिक नित्यकैङ्कर्यैकरतिरूप नित्यदास्यं दास्यतीति
विश्वासपूर्वकं भगवन्तं नित्यकिङ्करतां प्रार्थये ॥

तवानुभूतिसम्भूत प्रीतिकारितदासताम् ।
देहि मे कृपया नाथ न जाने गतिमन्यथा ॥

सर्वावस्थोचिताशेषशेषतैकरतिस्तव ।
भवेयं पुण्डरीकाक्ष त्वमेवैवं कुरुष्व माम् ॥

एतदुच्चारणमात्रावलम्बनेन, उच्यमानार्थ परमार्थनिष्ठं मे मनः
त्वमेवाद्यैव कारय ॥

अपारकरुणाम्बुधे, अनालोचितविशेषाशेषलोकशरण्य, प्रणतार्तिहर,
आश्रितवात्सल्यैक महोदधे, अनवरतविदित निखिलभूतजात याथात्म्य,
अशेषचराचरभूत, निखिलनियमनिरत, अशेषचिदचिद्वस्तुशेषीभूत, 
निखिलजगदाधार, अखिलजगत्स्वामिन्, अस्मत्स्वामिन्, 
सत्यकाम, सत्यसङ्कल्प, सकलेतरविलक्षण, अर्थिकल्पक, 
आपत्सख, काकुत्स्थ, श्रीमन्नारायण, पुरुषोत्तम, 
श्रीरङ्गनाथ, मम नाथ, नमोऽस्तुते ॥

॥ इति श्रीभगवद्रामानुजविरचितं श्रीरङ्गगद्यं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

“May I be accepted in the eternal and devoted service of that faultless One, who is complete in all respects — that Lord who holds sway over the nature, existence and activity of the three gradations of the conscious (cetana) and the non-conscious (acetana), Who is untouched by the five types of miseries and pious and sinful karmic reactions: Who is an ocean of sublime, unlimited auspicious qualities: who is the Supreme Brahman and Supreme Person; who reclines on the serpent bed in Sri Rangam; my Master who is complete. I, who have clearly understood myself to be eternally subject to Your command; I who have tasted the sweetness of always engaging in Your service; I, who realizes that You are the subject of all my knowledge and devotion; I, who have experienced You constantly without interruption; eager and anxious to be of immense and commendable service at all times and under all circumstances to You; with this eagerness generated by the pleasure of my experience of Yourself, let me, the very personification of desire be of service, be accepted eternally for such service.

I, whose essential nature is built to be ever commanded by Him, understanding this nature and ever thinking of it, meditating always on His great Lordship and all his auspicious qualities, with a devotion which is a means to the service in the form of an intense desire to be of service in all forms under all conditions, possessed of ripe knowledge which would lead to devoted service, engaged in action in the form of service to Him, lacking as I am in personal qualities like virtue (sattva) and firm faith, possessed as I am of qualities and conduct directly opposite to that enumerated and hence steeped in an ageless ocean of sin incapable of being crosses, with naturally endowed knowledge and lustre covered by inevitable association with prakriti which by nature is susceptible to continuous change and is a mixture of the threefold qualities (satva, rajas & tamas), the inevitable association being ordinarily inseparable like oil in the gingelly seed and fire in firewood; bound inextricably by the rope or karma in the form of virtue and sin collected over ages out of ignorance; I who cannot find the means of overcoming this bond to samsAra however long I may try; I take refuge in your lotus feet as the only means of emancipation O, Narayana! ever associated with Sri! The refuge of all created beings! I seek your protection.

Though I am in this state, full of various defects, I beg of the Lord my acceptance in eternal service to him in the firm faith that the all merciful Lord, heeding to my earnest request, will grant me the favor of steadfastness in everlasting service to Him urged by devotion resulting from the experience of the Lord.

My Lord! you should be pleased, out of Your unbounded mercy, to grant the service to You resulting from the joy of experiencing you. Apart from begging you, I do not know of any other means.

O lotus eyed one! I should be eager to render all forms of service under all conditions. You should grant me this state of mind.

Even if I do not have the wish sincerely for the knowledge or that I am not fit for your grace to reach the goal, Please make the words I gave expression to as an excuse to fill in the defeciencies and render me fit.

Oh! Limitless ocean of mercy!! One who does not think of the differences when his subjects are in distress, You who destroys the distress of those who seek You! Great ocean of love to His devotees, You who know the truth about all Your creations at all times! You with wishes always fulfilled ! You who can do all that You desire! Friend in my distress! You who grieves at the pains of all men, May You ever be associated with Sri! Greatest of personalities! Lord of Sri Rangam! My Lord! I prostrate before you.

Ref: http://www.angelfire.com/ok5/livermore/pdf/Sri_Ranga_Gadyam.pdf


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