संस्कृत गोवीथि : : गव्य ४० (पुराण विशेष) :: वृक्ष प्रतिष्ठा

Nisarg Joshi

Sanskrit, SanskritGavya, SanskritLearning


वृक्ष प्रतिष्ठा

This is finest example of how well we used to take care of trees and plants. They were setup in community as living beings.

आचार्ये द्विगुणं दद्यात्पूर्ववन्मण्डपादिकम् ।७०.००८
पापनाशः परा सिद्धिर्वृक्षारामप्रतिष्ठया ॥७०.००८

Establishing trees and sacred groves can wipe out one’s sins and receives highest merits!

With the प्राण प्रतिष्ठा, life infusion, trees can last hundreds of years, but without it? Not our responsibility. Hence, it was compulsory to perform वृक्ष प्रतिष्ठा!

You believe it or not, trees can survive for long if they are infused by Prana of worshipers. This infusion of Prana, via trees, then spread to community for their well-being.

[Old note on same subject]

Planting tree is very sensitive activity. Equivalent to raising children.
No parents wish their children to die prematurely or live painful suffering life.
For the well-being of the tree-life, try to follow during plantation:

• Worship Varuna, Vishnu and Parjanya for the well being of the plant before planting it.
• Worship sapling or seed itself before planting it.
• Make oneself mentally pure and physically clean before starting planting activity.
• Planting in Uttara, Rohini, Anuradha, Chirta, Mrigsira, Ravati, Mula, Vishakha, Tishya, Sravan, Aswini and hasta Nakshatra influences a tree and helps it flourish at best potential.

Reference: Brihat Samhita and Agni puran

Educate children, friends and relatives involved in tree-planting and farming.

शब्द सिन्धु

हित्वा (hitvaa) = having given up/abandoned
हिनस्ति (hinasti) = degrade
हिमालयः (himaalayaH) = the Himalayan mountains
हिरण्यकश्यपु (hiraNyakashyapu) = a demon king, killed by Vishnu
हिरण्यगर्भ (hiraNyagarbha) = Effulgent, a name of Sun
हिरण्यगर्भः (hiraNyagarbhaH) = the Golden Embryo of life and form
हीनौ (hiinau) = bereft, having lost
हुत (huta) = offerings (usually made to a fire)
हुतं (hutaM) = offered
हुतभुक् (hutabhuk.h) = fire (one who eats offerings)
हुताशवक्त्रं (hutaashavaktraM) = fire coming out of Your mouth
हृ (hRi) = to steal
हृत (hRita) = deprived of
हृतत् (hRitat.h) = heart
हृत्स्थं (hRitsthaM) = situated in the heart
हृद् (hRid.h) = heart (neut)
हृदय (hRidaya) = heart
हृदयं (hRidayaM) = heart
हृदयस्थं (hRidayasthaM) = heart-stationed
हृदयानि (hRidayaani) = hearts
हृदयी (hRidayii) = in my heart
हृदयेषु (hRidayeshhu) = in the hearts of
हृदि (hRidi) = in the heart
हृद्देशे (hRiddeshe) = in the location of the heart
हृद्याः (hRidyaaH) = pleasing to the heart
हृषितः (hRishhitaH) = gladdened
हृषीकेश (hRishhiikesha) = O master of all senses
हृषीकेशं (hRishhiikeshaM) = unto Lord KRishhNa
हृषीकेशः (hRishhiikeshaH) = Hrsikesa (KRishhNa, the Lord who directs the senses of the devotees)
हृष्टरोमा (hRishhTaromaa) = with his bodily hairs standing on end due to his great ecstasy
हृष्यति (hRishhyati) = takes pleasure
हृष्यामि (hRishhyaami) = I am enjoying
हेतवः (hetavaH) = causes
हेतु (hetu) = intention
हेतुः (hetuH) = aim (Here: cause)
हेतुना (hetunaa) = for the reason
हेतुमद्भिः (hetumadbhiH) = with cause and effect
हेतोः (hetoH) = in exchange
हेमन् (heman.h) = gold
हेमन्त (hemanta) = (masc) winter
होरा (horaa) = A Varga. The Division of a sign into Solar and Lunar or Division into halves. Used for determining Wealth amongst other things
ह्यः (hyaH) = yesterday
ह्रस्वा (hrasvaa) = (adj) short
ह्रियते (hriyate) = is attracted
ह्रीः (hriiH) = modesty
क्षणं (kShaNaM) = one second
क्षणप्रभा (kShaNaprabhaa) = (f) lightning
क्षणवियोग (kShaNaviyoga) = momentary separation
क्षणवीक्षित (kShaNaviikshita) = glance
क्षत्रिय (kShatriya) = the caste of princes and warriors
क्षत्रियबलं (kShatriyabalaM) = the power or might of the kshatriyas or kings
क्षत्रियस्य (kShatriyasya) = of the ksatriya
क्षत्रियाः (kShatriyaaH) = the members of the royal order


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सत्यं ब्रुयात् प्रियम् ब्रुयान्नब्रुयात् सत्यमप्रियम् |
प्रियम् च नानॄतम् ब्रुयादेष: धर्म: सनातन: ||

speak true, speak what is pleasant to others. don’t tell truth which is not pleasant (which is harmful) (similarly) even though pleasant, don’t speak false, this is Darmah

पठन -> मनन -> स्मरण -> आत्मसात

वृक्ष प्रतिष्ठा

प्रतिष्ठां पादपानाञ्च वक्ष्येऽहं भुक्तिमुक्तिदां ।७०.००१
सर्वौषध्युदकैर्लिप्तान् पिष्टातकविभूषितान् ॥७०.००१
वृक्षान्माल्यैरलङ्कृत्य वासोभिरभिवेष्टयेत् ।७०.००२
सूच्या सौवर्णया कार्यं सर्वेषां कर्णवेधनम् ॥७०.००२
हेमशलाकयाञ्जनञ्च वेद्यान्तु फलसप्तकम् ।७०.००३
अधिवासयेच्च प्रत्येकं घटान् बलिनिवेदनं ॥७०.००३
इन्द्रादेरधिवासोऽथ होमः कार्यो वनस्पतेः ।७०.००४
वृक्षमध्यादुत्सृजेद्गां ततोऽभिषेकमन्त्रतः ॥७०.००४
ऋग्यजुःसाममन्त्रैश्च वारुणैर्मङ्गलै रवैः(१) ।७०.००५
वृक्षवेदिककुम्भकैश्च(२) स्नपनं द्विजपुङ्गवाः ॥७०.००५
तरूणां यजमानस्य कुर्युश्च यजमानकः ।७०.००६
भूषितो दक्षिणां दद्याद्गोभूभूषणवस्त्रकं ॥७०.००६

क्षीरेण भोजनं दद्याद्यावद्दिनचतुष्टयं ।७०.००७
होमस्तिलाद्यैः कार्यस्तु पलाशसमिधैस्तथा ॥७०.००७
आचार्ये द्विगुणं दद्यात्पूर्ववन्मण्डपादिकम् ।७०.००८
पापनाशः परा सिद्धिर्वृक्षारामप्रतिष्ठया ॥७०.००८
स्कन्दायेशो यथा प्राह प्रतिष्ठाद्यं तथा शृणु ।७०.००९
सूर्येशगणशक्त्यादेः परिवारस्य वै हरेः ॥७०.००९

इत्यादिमाहापुराणे आग्नेये पादपारामप्रतिष्ठाकथनं नाम सप्ततितमोऽध्यायः ॥



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