Parental Obsession : Physical Growth (Height and Weight) Worry

Nisarg Joshi

Child Development, Parenting

Krishna Fighting

I am a parent. New and learning. I meet parents in my league to discuss and observe their issues and try to find solution for my confusions and doubts.

One worry that bites almost all parents is about height and weight of the kid. They put so much attention on vital figures related to height and weight, that pediatricians surrender and prescribe weight gain feeding formulas.

Parents see result. Now their kid is growing fast after starting feeding formula.

What they forget it, by adding supplements in diet, kid will start ignoring real food. This may lead to malnutrition as feeding formula does not come with all necessary nutrients. Also, it is dead food. It is artificial composition. Kid may not digest it fully. Kid can digest best what her feeding mother can or his/her extended family can.

Malnutrition leads to mineral and vitamin deficiency. You are all educated and understand mineral and vitamin deficiency very well.

My point is: Your concern is valid but do not be paranoid about it. Focus on balanced diet. Have patience. Kid’s body is working hard to gel with environment by activating and de-activating genes combination. Feeding formula is not the answer. Mother’s breast-feed up to 2 years will give them immunity boosters. Mother’s breast-feed will give them antibody markers.

If you really want to improve things,

Try to find out organically grown food.
Try to find out ethically procured desi gau milk.
Try to include variety of grains in diet.
Rely on local food.

At the end, look at this picture associated with the post. Those who look strong in outer look are not the strongest always. 🙂 I hope you got the message. Focus on building real stuff in them. Stronger mind, strong values and balanced diet.

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