Why not Gym? Why more time outdoor? Brain acts differently indoor vs outdoor


DitchGym, Ground, Gym, Sports


Art of planning and constructing building is known as Vastu in Bharat. We excelled it. We took care of subtlest aspect of living. We stressed more focus on Prana movements within building and its exchange with body since it is prana’s reflection that will manifest body in different states, health or sickness.

Alas! We don’t count it! All buildings are built with purpose. If we build room, each room has purpose. Certain rooms are built for human habitat while others are built to store either grains or weapons.

We no more follow it. We build toilet next to bedroom and store grains in kitchen only! We exercise in gym! व्यायाम is such activity which demands open sky or at least semi-open space. Ground or Akhada. It can never be done in closed doors. Never in AC!

Exercise demands more and more prana exchange! (Prana is not oxygen!). Too many people doing it closed door, is not good. Besides, during such heavy prana exchange, you not only exchange prana with indoor environment but also with fellow exercise doers! Over the period of time, dominant prana will make all normalize. Zombies. There will be so much of thought pollution and दूषित प्राण signatures.

  • Now our professions force us indoor for 8+ hours daily! Imagine how it alters the way our brain processes information. Compare with ancient professions. Even doctors used to practice in semi-open premises. Never closed doors! School in forest!
  • Compare kid watching TV, playing only indoor vs kid playing on ground
  • Senior citizens living indoors with a fear of infection or slip while senior citizens always on foot, performing social duties outdoors!

Here is the research giving hints about it!


This is your brain. This is your brain outdoors.

Neuroscientists find differences in brain activity depending whether people are outdoors or in a lab.

The brain acts much differently when we’re outdoors compared to when we’re inside the lab, a new study has found.

“It happens when we’re doing normal, everyday activities, like riding a bike,” explained Kyle Mathewson, a neuroscientist in UAlberta’s Department of Psychology.

Mathewson and his research team put EEG equipment into backpacks and had subjects perform a standard neuroscience task while riding a bike outside. The task involved identifying changes in an otherwise consistent set of stimuli, such as a higher pitch in a series of beep sounds. They had previously performed the same experiment on stationary bikes inside their lab but in the but in the new study, the scientists were able to record laboratory quality measurements of brain activity outdoors, using portable equipment.

“Something about being outdoors changes brain activity,” said Joanna Scanlon, graduate student and lead author on the study. “In addition to dividing attention between the task and riding a bike, we noticed that brain activity associated with sensing and perceiving information was different when outdoors, which may indicate that the brain is compensating for environmental distractions.”

The study showed that our brains process stimuli, like sounds and sights, differently when we perform the same task outdoors compared to inside a lab.

“If we can understand how and what humans are paying attention to in the real world, we can learn more about how our minds work,” said Scanlon. “We can use that information to make places more safe, like roadways.”

“If we want to apply these findings to solve issues in our society, we need to ensure that we understand how the brain works out in the world where humans actually live, work, and play,” said Mathewson, who added that almost everything we know about the human brain is learned from studies in very tightly controlled environments.



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