Moon, Mind and Life


Mind, Moon

Moon, Mind and Life – disordered thoughts
No of days in a year: 360
No of bones in a newborn : 360

Full Moon Gazing
Full Moon Gazing

चन्द्रमा मनसो जातश्चक्षोः सूर्यो अजायत ।

Moon represents universal mind (and Sun universal eye). As soon as the child is born from the womb, it is the moon that makes the child breathe as per moon’s position in janma-nakshtra. As long as we are alive, it is moon governed chandra nadi that keeps the life’s time cycle in motion in Muladhara chakra.

Just as the moon keeps the time-cycle of our universe in motion, it is the moon that keeps time-cycle of the human body in motion.


Macrocosm = Microcosm
Universe within = Universe outside.

Think about it. Good night.

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