Research : What you know affect How you see

Nisarg Joshi


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Do you see what I see? Maybe not, if you know more about it than I do. Using the Arabic alphabet as a frame of reference, researchers studied how experts in the language and novices viewed various letters and found clear evidence that visual processing is influenced by experience.


What You Know Can Affect How You See

This chart groups letters based on how similar they looked to test participants who didn’t know Arabic and to test participants who were experts in the language. Johns Hopkins researchers found the two groups saw the letters quite differently.
Credit: Robert W. Wiley/JHU
This chart groups letters based on how similar they looked to test participants who didn’t know Arabic and to test participants who were experts in the language. Johns Hopkins researchers found the two groups saw the letters quite differently.
  1. Long-standing questions in human perception concern the nature of the visual features that underlie letter recognition and the extent to which the visual processing of letters is affected by differences in alphabets and levels of viewer expertise. We examined these issues in a novel approach using a same–different judgment task on pairs of letters from the Arabic alphabet with 2 participant groups: 1 with no prior exposure to Arabic and 1 with reading proficiency. Hierarchical clustering and linear mixed-effects modeling of reaction times and accuracy provide evidence that both the specific characteristics of the alphabet and observers’ previous experience with it affect how letters are perceived and visually processed. The findings of this research further our understanding of the multiple factors that affect letter perception and support the view of a visual system that dynamically adjusts its weighting of visual features as expert readers come to more efficiently and effectively discriminate the letters of the specific alphabet they are viewing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

Objects — everything from cars, birds and faces to letters of the alphabet — look significantly different to people familiar with them, a new study suggests.

Using the Arabic alphabet as a frame of reference, Johns Hopkins University researchers studied how experts in the language and novices viewed various letters and found clear evidence that visual processing is influenced by experience. Their findings are forthcoming in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance and are now available online.

“You might assume we have basic vision machinery and that you could detect features of different letters even if you didn’t know the language. But that’s not the case,” said senior author Brenda Rapp, a professor in the university’s Department of Cognitive Sciences. “What you know affects how you see things.”

Researchers, who included lead author Robert W. Wiley, a postdoctoral student in Rapp’s lab, and Colin Wilson, associate professor in the Department of Cognitive Sciences, studied a group of 25 experts in Arabic and 25 people who didn’t know the language. The team showed the participants 2,000 pairs of letters, one pair at a time, and asked them to determine if the letters were the same or different. The answers were measured for speed and accuracy.

Novices were quicker to differentiate letters while experts were more accurate. Yet the more features a letter had, the slower the novices were. Experts were just the opposite — the more horizontals, whorls and curves a letter had, the better they were at distinguishing it.

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